Yaaa segala macam well-wishes udah aku sampein kan tadi pas makan siang! Aku udah ga tau mau ngomong apa lagi cuy~ huahahaha!! Itu tuh, sampe tulisan Happy Birthday nya aku warnain Hijau!!! Euuggghhhh -.- gyahahaha.
Oke okeee saya minta maaf yaaa~ mestinya sungkem sih dan sujud mohon maaf atas semua kebandelan dan kebadungan ku! Tapiiii alhasil ndak iso jadi saya minta maaf di sini aje yeps!! :)
Okay!! Ini spesial ulang tahun!! Tadi udah aku setel via BB pas di rumah, tapi pasti mamah ga ngedengerin kan?? Hahahahahaha. Oke, bukan lagunya Tohoshinki tapi NEWS. Yaaa tadi aku nyetelnya lagu Tohoshinki mulu, tapi diantaranya ada NEWS nyelip!!!
so what do you think? Jangan bilang kayak cewek huwah ;_; okeee byar mamah tersayang (hiyaahh O.o") ngerti mengapa ini lagu yang berjudul Happy Birthday ini cocok untuk didengarkan pada ulangtahun. Bwah, I know.. I know... the title is self-explanatory but whatever!! Hahahaha *ditimpuk sumpit*
Exactly because I can't buy them with money
Treasures that can be expressed by feelings
I'll say it in words, "Happy Birthday"
Without feeling embarrassed at exactly 12 midnight
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Today is the momentous once-a-year anniversary
Of you who is the most important in the world
Yet another one in beauty
The piling up of years
Is the multiplication of memories
That's why I'll send beautiful words
Only to you, look!
I'm happy that in the many thousands and hundred millions
We could have such a miracle as our meeting
And be this near
I'll sing for you
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Because you're here I can laugh
and be more honest than usual today
An ordinary day to the rest of the world
Fishing as per normal, yet
To me even the taste of the atmosphere has a special flavor
I especially want to meet your smile
BYE BYE to grimaces
With the extent of my power, I'll send you MY LOVE
How many times have you cried up till now
The happiness where we can laugh now is safe
Today's HAPPY BIRTHDAY where we can be together
I'll sing for you
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
I didn't leave you here alone
Definitely next year and the year after too
I'll go to meet you on the same day
A present from God
All the best for your future
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Treasures that can be expressed by feelings
I'll say it in words, "Happy Birthday"
Without feeling embarrassed at exactly 12 midnight
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Today is the momentous once-a-year anniversary
Of you who is the most important in the world
Yet another one in beauty
The piling up of years
Is the multiplication of memories
That's why I'll send beautiful words
Only to you, look!
I'm happy that in the many thousands and hundred millions
We could have such a miracle as our meeting
And be this near
I'll sing for you
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Because you're here I can laugh
and be more honest than usual today
An ordinary day to the rest of the world
Fishing as per normal, yet
To me even the taste of the atmosphere has a special flavor
I especially want to meet your smile
BYE BYE to grimaces
With the extent of my power, I'll send you MY LOVE
How many times have you cried up till now
The happiness where we can laugh now is safe
Today's HAPPY BIRTHDAY where we can be together
I'll sing for you
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
I didn't leave you here alone
Definitely next year and the year after too
I'll go to meet you on the same day
A present from God
All the best for your future
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
dan!!! Seperti telah saya janjikan, aku udah nyari-nyari fotonya Rain dan Jerry Yan.. tapi maaf yaa, aku ga nemu foto Jerry Yan yang cakep (kalo mau Vic Zhou gimana? *ditimpuk majalah*) hahahaha sejujurnya ga ada komunitas Jerry Yan doang di LJ!! Adanya Rain! Jadi Rain aja yaaaapss!! Hihihihihi.
Dan jangan kaget, tapi Rain potong rambut...jadi aneh gitu dehh. Padahal menurutku dia cakepan kayak pas di Rainism! Potongan rambut yang sekarang tuh kayak orang-orang 2PM di MV Again & Again!! Whuutttt. Oke yaudah, ini silahkan dilihat!! Hehehehe ;D

HAND-LAUNCH!!!! *guling2 ketawa di depan laptop* GYAHAHAHAHA!!
Eh yoi abisss Rain... saking jago (and nekatnya) dia bersedia megang lama selama pilotnya mau take-off.. LOLZ!! xD ah sumpah kocak abis..... *ngapus air mata abis ketawa*
okeee sebagai penutup birthday post ini!! Saya dedicate-kan mv ini kepada...yah siapa lagi deh.. yang ulang tahun hari ini! hehehee
Black Coffee Diary - Jerry Yan
Ahaaa Jerry Yan!! Yoooiii, abisnya ga nemu foto jadi MV aja yeps!! Tadinya aku mau nyari yang waktu itu dia ganteng itu.. yang pas kita nonton tv!! Tapi nemunya ini.. yah lumayan cakep juga lah...yah mending lah kan di sini!! Ato ini yang waktu itu? Ah udah deh aku mulai gaje. Pokoknya Jerry Yan aja!! Gahahah xD
'til next time! Buh-bye~
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