Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

it is like that it is like this and whut?

Judul ga jelas. Biarin aje dah uhuy.
kali ini dapet libur 3 hari soalnya tanggalan merah! Yoeee~~
Yah sebenernya kalo mau dibilang liburan juga ga bisa... lebih tepatnya 'belajar di rumah' MAEM TUH BELAJAR AUIEhdeuiHEIUFH. -.-;

deh biar ga stress dan jadi keysmashing molok pasang lagu ah... Aniragie by 2AM.

Okeh curhat neh.
GELA seminggu kemaren isinya ulangan tiap hari!! capek mental dan jiwa!! (ga ada beda, trus maksudnnya apa? -.-) pokoknya capek deh, poll! kemaren ulangan listrik. Trus terima nilai Fisika yang Perpindahan Kalor. Jijayus najus CUMAN SALAH SATU BOOOK. COBA KALO KESALAHAN YANG SATU ITU BENER AKU BISA DAPET SERATUS *nangis bombay* yasudahlah, yang sudah terjadi sudah terjadi.

Trus trus aku gedek sendiri sama nilai kimia ku. Sebenernya aku udah seneng alhamdulillah bersyukur gitu deh pas pertama kali denger nilaiku. Ya lumayanlah, even though I would have prefered getting something higher than my current grade. Trus malem-malemnya aku nanya nilai the other anime otaku (ya I've become an anime otaku know, I admit it, jangan protes XP) DAN AKU KESEL DIA DAPETNYA A PERFECT SCORE auHIHIYECIdhcjsbjbd. Oke, I won't hate others because of the good things that were bestowed upon them, but I really really really would have loved getting a perfect score on the chemistry test *sobs* I mean, if he could get the perfect score, why can't I? *kata-kata motivasi* HUAHAHAUAHUAHUAHHAHAHAHA XDDDDD

dia pinter banget sih, ngomongnya males belajar eh nilainya gemilang auhdiuhdief.
um ya ok, berhenti di situ.

DAN MASA AKU REMED SEJARAH. SEJARAH GETO!!! SARAP APE?!?! MALU-MALUIN AJA. *sembunyi di balik batu sambil meratapi nasib yang malang ini*

.... oke, mungkin aku lagi nulis blog ini sambil OD nasi goreng yak? Kok aku sarap gini sih nulisnya mwahahaha.

Ganti lagu deh jadi The One I Love - Super Junior KRY.

aku pengen main ke rumahnya Memes lagi!! Dan juga ke rumahnya Balqis!! Huhuhuhu. PENGEN JALAN BARENG MERRY, BALQIS, TISA, YAYA LAGI. *orang stress* emang aku pernah jalan bareng kemana? paling waktu itu doang berlima ke rumah merry.

Yaudah deh ya, aye mau mencoba ngerjain pr dulu. Mata ne!

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010



udahlah, buat refreshing, mari kita kerjakan meme yang kucuri dari yaya

Don’t read the questions below until you pick ten artists. (Not in any specific order)

1. Super Junior
2. Arashi
3. YUI
5. SHINee
6. Yuna Ito
7. Ikimonogakari
8. Aqua Timez
9. Aoyama Thelma
10. Big Bang

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
— Miss You

What is your favorite song of 8?
— too many to list

What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
— SJ has left an irreplacable dent on my heart (not to mention my wallet) xDD

What is your favorite lyric of 5?
Maybe you are worried about my young age
But look into my eyes, what is it telling you?
and I think I’m gonna hate it girl
if the end comes
Your heart will tell you, regardless of what others say

How many times have you seen 4 live?

What is your favorite song by 7?
— let's just stick to Blue Bird for now x)

Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
— ...... Goodbye Days and TOKYO.

What is your favorite song by 9?
— Soba ni Iru ne feat. SoulJa

When did you first get into 2?
— 2 years ago, it's because of aniis! <3

How did you get into 3?
— cos of Aniss! but then I started to get into anime stuffs and I'm becoming crazy for YUI xDD

What is your favorite song by 4?
— um... Love in the Ice, Purple Line, Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimatta'n Darou, etc etc etc

How many times have you seen 9 live?
— I've never seen her live. BUT I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO. I hate this question ;_;

What is a good memory concerning 1?
— ... the time the 3rd album was released in Indonesia. I went back and forth and back...and forth and back and forth between two shopping malls to check which one of them has the album and which one of them has it at a cheaper price XDDDDD (I know I'm crazy) XDDD

Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
— Ketsui no Asa ni and Sen no Yoru wo Koete

What is your favorite song of 1?
— !!!! !!!! SJM !!!! *smacked* lol no, too many to write x_x

How did you become a fan of 10?
— since I saw Haru Haru on Channel[V]'s chart show I though GD & TOP was very good looking. But I don't think it's after Gara Gara Go that I became addicted to them XD