Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
Beautiful my girl
My beautiful my girl and I
So beautiful my girl [in the cube]
Ha ha girl
This is my confession
Drop that beat
Oh listen to my heart Listen to my heart for you no words can express, but look
Just my style I'll give you my heart oh listen listen listen girl
Nothing better than you
Safe to all the world
you you you you
You not going to change
Hey baby girl that every day is a fun little afraid not say who I want you
So beautiful my girl oh oh girl oh oh girl over time
More, more than anyone else I'll cherish you my girl you'll all
You, you, eege oh oh
Where you can go depends on whether I always think about you
Now, more, more than I'll love you my girl you you you my girl
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful nothing better than you
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful [Don't be shy girl]
I'll be there Whenever you're tough for me and my arms at any time
Just close your eyes and listen to my heart, oh listen listen listen girl look
Nothing better than you
Nobody can prevent
you you you you
For you my heart
Twenty-four hours of the day is worth every penny and I use it for you Just take my hand and fly me
So beautiful my girl, oh oh girl, oh oh girl over time
More, more than anyone else I'll cherish you my girl you'll all
You, you, eege oh oh
Where you can go depends on whether I always think about you
Now, more, more than I'll love you my girl you you you my girl
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful nothing better than you
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful
Beautiful my girl
Make a love baby Just make a love
Feeling in my heart
So nice
So beautiful my girl oh oh girl oh oh girl over time
More, more than anyone else I'll cherish you my girl you'll all
You, you, eege oh oh
I can feel you're far too I'm always dreaming about you
Now, more, more than I'll love you my girl you you you my girl
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful nothing better than you
oh beautiful, so beautiful, my beautiful nothing better than you
It Isn't A Dream
I'm listening to Kono Toki Kitto Yume Ja Nai by SMAP, and cos I'm random I am using the title of the song as the title of my post. It really is a good song.
Ya oke. Random banget.
Let's discuss my RL for a bit. I'm sick. I think my asthma is acting up... plus I also think I caught the flu. And I've practically spent my monthly allowances on CDs and Manga---that was because I heard FTI's concert got canceled. Nyebelin banget ga sih. RAWR. -___-
Aku udah beli DGM vol 21. Suram banget tuh manga. Aku sebel, gondok parah!! Hoshino Katsura bisa-bisanya bikin cerita kea gitu. Kasian banget Kanda & Alma T____T dan.... ternyata 14th Noah ganteng ya huakakakka *plak*. Pengen tau kelanjutan ceritanya. Vol 22 is set to be released September next year. :/
Aku juga udah punya 2AM's Saint O'Clock. Belom aku reap tapi. Hmhmhmhm~ belom kebiasa ama lagu-lagu mereka yang baru. Masih lebih suka dengerin album I Did Wrong daripada Saint O'Clock HAHAHA. But anyway, I'm glad that 2AM is getting pretty well-known to be able to sell CDs here in Indonesia ♥
Oh, I also bought TVXQ's Mirotic. I know it's an old album, but I just got around to buying it. Dulu pas pengen beli ga pernah nemu -_-. DAN YEAH, I GOT A HEARTATTACK WHEN I SAW THE PHOTOS IN THE ALBUM BOOKLET. *lap darah* I won't say why I'm bleeding though :P (but oh well, who wants to see can dl over here, don't forget to say thanks to the scanneruploader! ^^)
It makes me so sad to see how much of TVXQ stuffs I need to catch up with. And OMGEH so many beautiful pics/scans for me to make graphics out of!! *starry-eyed* lol
Dan seperti biasa, aku ga bisa GA nge-share ini lagu. So beautiful. (ignore the pic if it scares/disgusts you, listen to music, it's heartbreakingly beautiful)
endlessly wanting and waiting for one person
A love like a romance movie
Many people grow weary waiting saying that
"True love does not exist", but that is false
She's like the wind that comes by
There is always a love that I long for
I've waited for a long time, any person would long for,
The woman that stands by me my love for you goes on and on and on
Like a tree that does not move, I will be your shade for a long time
My love goes on and on and on
Even if you don't say I love you,
if I can communicate with your soul then its okay
That woman can surely feel that spirit
It probably cannot be expressed by words,
like a dialogue of spirits, 2 become One it must be life's greatest reason
She's like the sunrise in my life
Everyday life becomes an expectation if she is there
I've waited for a long time, any person would long for,
The woman that stands by me, my love for you goes on and on and on
Like a one side fiction, you become the elegant main character
My deepest impressions will be your gift
My love goes on and on and on
Our love, Without change
I will pray, Forever
Girl, We will evaporate all the difficulties, sadness, and darkness we face
I've waited for a long time, any person would long for,
The woman that stands by me, my love for you goes on and on and on
Like a tree that does not move, I will be your shade for a long time
My love goes on and on and on
I've waited for a long time, any person would long for,
The woman that stands by me, my love for you goes on and on and on
Like a one side fiction, you become the elegant main character
My deepest impressions will be your gift
My love goes on and on and on
I'm getting sleepy, should I just post vids and stuffs? OK, I'll do that.
my thoughts: nice music for clubbing/dancing etc. Not exactly my kind of music, but meh, it's a good song anyway. Oh, about the protest KVIPs are doing cos YG is making GDTOP promote in clubs...... yaudah sih biasa aja! Emang lagunya clubbing gini kan, cocok kalo promote nya di club juga wkwkwk. Mungkin emang keanya kebanyakan jumlah club nya untuk 1 malam, tapi yaudah lah hahaha.
Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIRACLE BOY AKA AIBA MASAKI ♥ I wish you all the best, bb, keep on bringing the storm to the world~
THOUGHTS: Don't take those boybands by face value. Take time to discover their music and delve deeper. They've got a lot more on their side than just a pretty face :) ... or maybe a not-so-pretty-face. *bricked*
Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010
Because My Heart Is Empty
Girl I swear
I’m never going through this again
I know that you thought you’d win
And before I give you another try
I’d die
Love won’t make you cry or ask why
Oh why
So I’ll deny my heart cause
I won’t live a lie
Why try
Your heart is empty
And you’re so cold
You don’t care about you and I
Your heart is empty
You won’t let go
But I’m walkin' out this life
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
There you go
Tryna tell me how to be a man
When that’s something you just don’t understand
It’s time to bring your truth to light
No lie
Love won’t make you cry or ask why
Oh why
So I’ll deny my heart cause
I won’t live a lie
Why try
Your heart is empty
And you’re so cold
You don’t care about you and I
Your heart is empty
You won’t let go
But I’m walkin out this life
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
Your heart is gone
My heart is strong
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Your heart is gone
My heart is strong
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Your heart is empty
Your heart is empty
Your heart is empty
Girl because your heart is empty
Your heart is empty
And you’re so cold
You don’t care about you and I
Your heart is empty
You won’t let go
But I’m walkin' out this life
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
Why can’t you let it go
Let it go let it go let it go
Girl because your heart is empty
Senin, 22 November 2010
summary of the last few days
er, actually it was my fault. But all the same.. I'm pissed T___T
Udah panjang-panjang nge rant elah malah ke apus dan ilang hiksu hiksu T_____T
udah ga napsu ah nulis tentang remed matematika dan tugas numpuk.
Pengen fangirling aja deh T___T oke, sekilas aja tentang RL ku.
Matematika, remed. Tugas B Indo, numpuk. Drama B Inggris, Joe Jonas (LOL NO xD).
Matematika aku remed bab yang sebenernya ga perlu remed. Hhh, sial banget nih aku ga ngerti kombinasi dan permutasi hiksu hiksu. Someone teach me~~~~~ hahaha. Kalo math ku gini mulu.... mobukagakusho......... *menerawang ke kejauhan*
Trus tugas B Indo. Resensi ku sepertinya 1/3 jadi.... tapi lagi ga nafsu nerusin *plak*. Trus bikin surat itu. Trus essay tentang nilai-nilai dalam novel terjemahan dan non terjemah. Ckckckck. Yang essay udah aku cicil lagi sih kemaren... tapi ga banyak. *plak lagi*
Kemaren sih aku kebanyakan fangirling. Hahahaha seharian deh tuh fangirling.
Nonton ulang acara-acara SJM. Sumpah bikin ngakak!!! xDDDD SO MANY SIHAN *dies* I need a daily fix of SiHan goodness!! I miss Hannie with Siwon ;_____; SiHan adalah pairing (selain OhMiya) yang aku suka! Aku sebenernya ga begitu suka pairing antar member, tapi SiHan dan OhMiya adalah exception! xD YunJae? Biasa aja. Hahaha.
Serius deh, nonton acara SJM tuh bener-bener penghibur. Ngakak parah depan laptop xD
Trus aku juga sempet memperdalam 2AM. JO KWON AND HIS KKAB. Y U SO PHAIL? dan Lee Joon. Poor guy. ROFL. Aku gatau mau malu malu malu atau ngakak ngakak ngakak nonton Jo Kwon's kkab. LOL. I'm so embarassedddddd.
Tapi aku belom sempet memperdalam tentang Changmin dan Jinwoon. Sigh.
Oiya. EMANG FT ISLAND KE SINI?!?! KONSER?!??!?! and on top of that, the rumor that 2AM is also coming here. I NEED MONEY. TT____TT
ahdshdjdks. Kemaren aku nonton ulang THSK History in Japan Vol. 4. Changminnie is so presh.
Mamah juga ikut nonton. Tapi dia kerjanya mencela mulu jadi yah gitu hahaha. Pokoknya aku mau beli DVD Secret Code Live in Tokyo Dome dan nonton bareng dia! Biar dia liat the awesomeness of Asia's vocal powerhouse, TVfXQ! xDDDDDD tapi harusnya sih nonton Love In The Ice pas concert T. Itu di sana suara mereka bener-bener keliahat awesome nya. (tik, udah deh)
Oke. Sepertinya THSK sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari jiwa fangirl ku HAHA.
I guess that's all?
A video to share! (aside from that lulz-worthy fail-fest kkab-ness of the kkab-king Jo Kwon)
See the awesomeness of the B2STly boys! xD
look at me at my birthday with the gals (and guy) ♥

Senin, 08 November 2010
Thirteen Reasons Why
Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker--his classmate and crush--who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list. Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.
A shoebox-sized package is propped against the front door at an angle. Our front door has a tiny slot to shove mail through, but anything thicker than a bar of soap gets left outside. A hurried scribble on the wrapping addresses the package to Clay Jensen, so I pick it up and head inside.
I take the package into the kitchen and set it on the counter. I slide open the junk drawer and pull out a pair of scissors. Then I run a scissor blade around the package and lift off its top. Inside the shoebox is a rolled-up tube of bubble-wrap. I unroll that and discover seven loose audiotapes.
Each tape has a dark blue number painted in the upper right-hand corner, possibly with nail polish. Each side has its own number. One and two on the first tape, three and four on the next, five and six, and so on. The last tape has a thirteen on one side, but nothing on the back.
Who would send me a shoebox full of audiotapes? No one listens to tapes anymore. Do I even have a way to play them?
The garage! The stereo on the workbench. My dad bought it at a yard sale for almost nothing. It's old, so he doesn't care if it gets coated with sawdust or splattered with paint. And best of all, it plays tapes.
I drag a stool in front of the workbench, drop my backpack to the floor, then sit down. I press Eject on the player. A plastic door eases open and I slide in the first tape.
Blurb from Sherman Alexie: Thirteen Reasons Why is a mystery, eulogy, and ceremony. Twenty or thirty times, I snapped the book shut when a sentence, an image, or line of dialogue was too beautiful and painful. But I, afraid and curious, would always return to this amazing book. I know, in the years to come, I will often return to this book.
Blurb from Ellen Hopkins: Every once in awhile you come across a book that you can't get out of your mind, one you have to rush back to if you must put it down for some reason. Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why is one of those books, and is at the very top of my personal "Must-Read" list.
Blurb from Chris Crutcher: Very clever premise, strong voice, perfect suspense. This one will keep you reading. Jay Asher is a fine storyteller.
Blurb from Gordon Korman: A spectacular first novel. Jay Asher tells his story with such honesty and simplicity that the tragedy feels shatteringly real.
also visit Hannah's Reasons and Hannahsfriend13 (for the tapes)
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
Tell Me Goodbye
Letting you go...(please somebody)
Letting you go...(please somebody)
No, I got this, yeah
Still I´m thinking about this thing called love
You got me shaken up (please tell me there´s a way)
And it got my head spinnin´ round round round (please tell me there´s a way)
Don´t wanne take a fall, it´s best to rake it all
It´s gonna be better for you, move on, move on (please tell me there´s a way)
Uh uh, we break it, break it or thought we make it, make it
And now we cover it all
Girl, I swear I won´ t even for a second
Cause you any pain
in order to protect you
Because there's no other way
Baby our love itself brings us pain
And I got nothing, nothing to say
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Those hands that embraced me
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Seem to be letting go
If forgetting me will give you freedom baby
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Girl, you know when you lose your smile
I will place the blame on myself
I wake up crying these words, and even the light
I will lose sight of everything else
Baby the moment our lips part this time
I´ll never find better, better than you
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Those hands that embraced me
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Seem to be letting go
Merely being by my side is not kindness baby
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Yo and it´s so, so
Said it just ain´t happening
Wish you could be better
Sorry to be scrapping
But I just can´t let go
To be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you like
The thing you deserve
Baby you you was a part?
Always believe that it hurts
That bleeds, that´s word
I think that I can do
My body is just takes a bigger part of me to be letting you go
I wish that weren't so
Your voice, pained and fading away, away
Erased completely by the wind, stay, stay
All these things, I can´t take it, those tears, don´t cry for me
Or our sake I´ll never look back again.
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Those hands that embraced me
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Seem to be letting go
Merely being be my side is not kindness baby
Oh tell me goodbye, oh tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Keep In Mind That I Love You
Aku pengen posting sebuah artikel yang bikin aku terharu/sedih/nangis/miris/sebel sama SME/pengen getok JYJ dan HoMin/etc etc. Hehehehehehhe.
Artikel ini sebenernya hanya sekedar translation dari Blog Shinjiroh Inoue. You must be wondering who on earth Shinjiroh Inoue is, and the reason to why I cried while reading his blog. (you probably actually do not care, whoever you are, but I'm going to tell you anyway :P)
Shinjiroh Inoue is a songwriter who had written the lyrics to several of DBSK's Japanese songs. I forgot which songs, but I swear I'd seen his name on several of THSK's song credits on their Japanese album!! *sweatdrops*
Aaaaaand anyway, he was the one who wrote JYJ's W. It's a beautiful song. I remember I have posted the lyric and translation on my previous post, you can check it out if you want to :)
Okelah segitu saja intro dari saya, mari kita baca artikelnya. (sangat menggugah bagi saya seorang Cassiopeia yang baru kebuka kedoknya XD)
![]() |
click for the original pic |
About the right way to pronounce it… while I was still considering between “Daburu” and “Daburyuu”, at the rehearsal for Dome Jejung said, “That should be Daburyuu shouldn’t it!” so we decided on “Daburyuu” (LOL).
After Tohoshinki’s activities were suspended, when the announcement of the trio’s “THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” was announced, I received a request to write the lyrics for songs that they can sing at Dome.
At that time, I was entrusted with writing about the real feeling of the trio.
I’m sorry but I can’t write the details about it here.
From now on, I’m going to write about my own feeling… but I could really feel that the trio are sincerely wishing to work as 5 again.
I believe that it is also the wish of the duo and of course, the fans.
I was wondering how I should convey that wish and feeling into a message to fans, thus I created a wrote something called “If you have a message to HoMin, would you tell me your message?” on Twitter and Ameba.
I remember that at that time, I didn’t have that many followers on Ameba, but thanks to everyone who spread it on the Internet, I received a lot of messages.
No, I was entrusted with them.
Among the messages, there are messages that are written in all hiragana so that the duo would be able to read them… I feel very apologetic because I can’t directly deliver the messages to them…
A great number of messages contain the words “We’re waiting for the day you will come back” and “We’re protecting a place for you to come back to”.
When the song was sung at Dome, went on the download chart, and was uploaded everywhere… I received a lot of messages on what the true meaning of the song is.
Among them, there are bitter comments such as “The trio already left, isn’t it funny to say that they’re still waiting?”
Since I wrote that song with the intention of conveying the true feelings of the trio and not my own, thinking of the trio, I’ve been keeping my silence to those comments even though I’m usually a talkative person.
I also made sure that I did not write about anything that is over-sensitive….
However, since they don’t have any promotion for “The…” and “THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” this time and I didn’t receive any word from the trio thus I decided to gather my courage and write this.
“W” is the symbol of 5 and belong to 5.
“Waiting” is about the day that the 5 of them will work together again.
“Protecting” is the power of the fans.
Those are the feelings of mine, someone who was entrusted with the words from the messages of the trio and the fans.
Source: Shinjiroh Inoue’s Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Previously Posted By: twinklietwinkle @ DBSG Livejournal Community
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
I love this guy whoever he is LOL......... ;_;
Jumat, 03 September 2010
JYP? No, it's JYJ!
Bukan JYP -_-;
Melainkan 3 pemuda yang dijuluki 3/5 Gods of the East (kan kan translation TOHOSHINKI itu Gods of the East -_-). JYJ!! Yey! Apaansih. Hahaha. JYJ itu subunit nya THSK selama mereka hiatus *diam sebentar untuk menghapus air mata*. JYJ adalah inisial dari nama-nama mereka: Junsu/Yoochun/Jaejoong. Tapi sepertinya di Jepang mereka lebih terkenal dengan sebutan JJY :/ yasudahlah sama saja -_-
Sementara ini saya baru menonton 2 lagu yang mereka bawakan pada saat Thanksgiving, yaitu Itsu Datte Kimi Ni dan W. Sepertinya masih ada lagi lagunya, cuman ya begitulah ehehe. Saya suka dengan kedua lagu itu. Especially W. Pas mereka nyanyi "aitakute.. aitakute.. aitakute.. aitakute~~.." ahgila asik abis!! *_____* dan dan omg suara.... suaranya Junsu!!! Serius setiap kali aku denger aku merinding XD
Rumor has it, JYJ akan release mini album di bulan September....... oh would ya look at that, it's September already! XD tapi gatau deh, sementara aku cap sebagai rumor aje hueheheh.
Sebenernya aku pengen post video performance mereka, cuman aku aga sebel sama copyright jadi ...... silahkan kalian cari di Youtube dengan keyword: JYJ Thanksgiving. ^^
Lebih baik saya posting liriknya saja :)
Yozora ni ukanda hoshi ga moji wo egaki dasu no wa
The letters that the stars created in the night sky
偶然じゃないと 今もまだ信じてるよ
Guuzen ja nai to ima mo mada shinjiteru yo
I still believe that it is not just by chance
同じ闇の中で 同じ距離のままで
Onaji yami no naka de onaji kyouri no mama de
In the same darkness, in the same distance
We are painting the W
君に見つかるように もっと輝くから
Kimi ni mitsukaruyou ni motto kagayaku kara
We will shine more and more so that you can find us
keep in mind that I love you.
きっ と
I wish…
いつか逢えるから 瞳を閉じる度君を想う you’re everything
Itsuka aeru kara me wo tojiru tabi kimi wo omou you’re everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close my eyes, you’re everything
君が居ることが 今もまだあたりまえなんだよ
Kimi ga iru koto ga ima mo mada atarimae nanda yo
It is still natural that you are by our side
た だ今は君が幸せであると願い
Tada ima wa kimi ga shiawase de aru to negai
We can only wish that you are happy
Boku-ra no kaidan wo hitotsu hitotsu nobotte iku yo
We will climb our stairs one by one
僕 らはまだ僕らの未来を想像しながら 君を待ってるよ
Boku-ra wa mada boku-ra no mirai wo souzou shinagara kimi wo matteru yo
We are still waiting for you, imagining our future
I wish..
いつか逢えるから 瞳を閉じる度君を想う you’re everything
Itsuka aeru kara me wo tojiru tabi kimi wo omou you’re everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close our my eyes, you’re everything
君が居るこ とが 今もまだあたりまえなんだよ
Kimi ga iru koto ga ima mo mada atarimae nanda yo
It is still natural that you are by our side
いつか逢えるまで 君の居場所は守ってるよ
Itsuka aeru made kimi no ibasho wa mamotteru yo
We will keep your place here, until the day we can meet again
君ともう一度 笑えると信じてるから
Kimi to mou ichido waraeru to shinjiteru kara
We believe that we can laugh together with you once again
You’re my love Please hold on
You’re my love Please hold on
You’re my love Please hold on
時が流れ ても どんな痛みが待っていても
Toki ga nagaretemo donna itami ga matteitemo
Even when the days pass by, and that there may be pains
君はいつまでも 僕たちの 「プライド」なんだよ
Kimi wa itsumademo boku-tachi no “pride” nanda yo
You are always our “PRIDE”
夜空に浮かんだ 星に君が呟いたのは
Yozora ni ukanda hoshi ni kimi ga tsubuyaita no wa
The words that you murmured to the stars shining in the nightsky
さよならじゃないと 今もまだ信じてるよ
Sayonara ja nai to ima mo mada shinjiteru yo
We still believe that it is not “Good bye”
同 じ空の下で 同じ夢を描き
Onaji sora no shita de onaji yume wo egaki
Under the same sky, dreaming the same dream
We are still searching for the W
同じ形のまま ずっと輝くから
Onaji katachi no mama zutto kagayaku kara
We will always shine in the same shape
keep in mind that I love you.
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you
逢いたくて 逢いたくて 逢いたくて
aitakute aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you, see you
I wish…
い つか逢えるから 瞳を閉じる度君を想う you’re everything
Itsuka aeru kara me wo tojiru tabi kimi wo omou you’re everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close my eyes, you’re everything
君 が居ることが 今もまだあたりまえなんだよ
Kimi ga iru koto ga ima mo mada atarimae nandayo
It is still natural that you are by our side
いつか逢えるまで 君の居場所は守ってるよ
Itsuka aeru made kimi no ibasho wa mamotteruyo
We will keep your place here, until the day we can meet again
君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから
Kimi to mou ichido waraeru to shinjiteiru kara
We believe that we can laugh together with you once again
Taken from: jklov.wordpress
Source: esayel @ YouTube
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
lalu lirik selanjutnya...
Itsudatte aitakatta yo
Ima mo dakishimete iru yo kimi no subete wo
Hohoemi wo yurushite yo tada bokura no tame ni
Kitto kono saki ni mada hikari wa sasu kara
Nani wo ittara ii ka wakaranai kurushimi ni
Honto no kotoba wo houridashite shimaitaku nattenda
Nanoni zutto ai wa kawaranai mama ni mienai kizuna tashika ni tsunaide ita
Sou kokoro ga erabu michi nara
Dokomademo aruite yukerunda ima
Ano hi Better make it through the loneliness
Saa omoide kara yume no tsuzuki
Sagashi hajimete minai ka?
Kimi dake ni aitakatta yo Itsudatte aitakatta yo
Kimochi wo tsutaeru tame ni koko e kitanda
Samishisa mo kotaeta yo tada kimi wo shinjite
Zutto arigatou, sono omoi wa aru kara
Hitoribocchi de itara minogashita shiawase mo
Futatsu no kodou wa nani ga taisetsu nanoka wo shittetanda
Mitsumeatta dake de fure aeru mono wo kanjite itai
Namida go donna toki mo
Sou hokano dareka dewa naku
Meguriaeta imi ga aru ne ima
Ano hi Better make it through the sadness
Sou kimi no tame no boku de itai
Wasurezu ni ite hoshii yo
Kimi dake ni aitakatta yo Itsudatte aitakatta yo
Ima mo dakishimete iru yo kimi no subete wo
Hohoemi wo yurushite yo tada bokura no tame ni
Kitto kono saki ni mada hikari wa sasu kara
Kimi dake ni aitakatta yo Itsudatte aitakatta yo
Kimochi wo tsutaeru tame ni koko e kitanda
Samishisa mo kotaeta yo tada kimi wo shinjite
Zutto arigatou, sono omoi wa aru kara
Kimi dake ni aitakatta yo Itsudatte aitakatta yo
Ima mo dakishimete iru yo kimi no subete wo
Hohoemi wo yurushite yo tada bokura no tame ni
Kitto kono saki ni mada hikari wa sasu kara
I'm always in love only to you
I hold you all still have
It just allows us to smile
The light from the strike certainly ahead
What can I say I do not know suffering
I abandoned that language is really tempted
Nevertheless, much love was surely connected to the invisible bonds unchanged
Mind if I choose the way
I'm walking to everywhere
Better make it through the loneliness that day
Why do not you remember the first time from looking after my dream you know what?
I'm always in love only to you
I'm here to express your feelings
I just believe you can be lonely
I have much to thank the
Even if the missed happy alone
I was beating the two know what is important
I want to feel something for just touching look dress
Sometimes what tears
So instead of someone else
I mean we met over there now
Better make it through the sadness that day
I want you to be sure I want to be right for you
I'm always in love only to you
I hold you all still have
We forgive you for just a smile
The light from the strike certainly ahead
I'm always in love only to you
I came here to express your feelings for
I just believe you can be lonely
I have much to thank the
I'm always in love only to you
I hold you all still have
It just allows us to smile
The light from the strike is surely ahead ...
source: jpopasia.com
unyuuuuuuuu *wth unyu* xD
aduuhhhhh gila aku mabok Tohoshinki ♥ kenapa ya bisa tiba-tiba aku juga bingung XD
tapi itu...... performance mereka pas nyanyiin Love in The Ice pas tour album T.... ♥ hgyaaaaa XD
oke oke stop, aku lagi pilek dan sepertinya ini saatnya untuk tidur.
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
Top 25
Dan akhirnya saya kembali bosen ... ngubek-ngubek folder (ga ada VLC T__T) dilanjutkan dengan ngubek-ngubek iTunes ... sehingga sampainya di playlist Top 25. Dan karena aku ga ada kerjaan .... pengen aja posting listnya itu di sini heheh :D
- Angela - Super Junior
- I Did Wrong - 2AM
- Flower Rock - F.T. Island
- Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimatta'n Darou (acapella vers.) - Tohoshinki
- Bolero - Tohoshinki
- Ft. - Funkist
- What A Girl Wants - 4minute
- Snow Fairy - Funkist
- Day By Day - BigBang
- Hug (acapella vers.) - Tohoshinki
- What Do I Do - 2AM
- Hug - Tohoshinki
- Share The World - Tohoshinki
- Make Love - BigBang
- I Hope (vers. 2) - F.T. Island
- Calling - FLOW
- Broken Youth - NICO touches the wall
- HAPPY TOGETHER - Super Junior
- Dead at Heart - Super Junior
- Sorry, Sorry - Answer (studio vers.) - Super Junior
- Yakusoku - Tohoshinki
- Even If I Die, I Can't Let You Go - 2AM
- To Be Free - Arashi
- Colors - FLOW
HAHAHAHAHHA serem sendiri liat daftar nya XD sepertinya dapat dilihat aku biased XD tapi ini list setelah si iTunes di format ... dulunya Love You More and More nya Fahrenheit yang paling sering disetel hehehe~~
Ngantuk deh sampe sini aja TTYL! *apaandeh*
Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010
Share The Good Times!
Aku memang pengrusak barang elektronik!! BB udah crash berapa kali coba? Trus yang kemaren kejadian laptop crash, itu udah kedua kalinya!! T_T
Masa aku baru bangun? Tidur abis dzuhur trus barusan bangun hahaha -_-; bener-bener parah. Aku aja ga kebangun pas papahku pergi *sigh* berasa kebo banget. Sumpah tadi itu kea bener-bener pingsan udah ga ngerti ape aja yang terjadi, gila abis.
Trus trus, beberapa hari yang lalu, aku tidur siang, eh mimpi. Mimpinya asik gitu. Indah, sangat indah. Kan aku saking terkesannya sama mimpi itu aku nge-tweet gini: "Mimpi aneh tapi sgt indah... Ahhh subhanallah, alhamdulillah, paling engga yang ga mungkin di kehidupan nyata bisa aku rasakan di mimpi."
Eh tiba-tiba si Tisa nanya: ciee mimpi apaan tuh, Tik? trus dijawab ma Merry---dia frontal gitu!!!! PADAHAL APA YANG DIA OMONGIN JUGA GA ADA BENERNYA, ehhhhh dia nyebut nama orangnya WTH O________O;; sama kayak pas di MSN waktu itu, frontalnya ga nahan!!! :"( ..................jadi inget kejadian sama Balqis.... frontal-frontal an di PM eh kebaca sama si Afif (ya iyalah kebaca, publik gitu ah bedon HAHAHAH). Tapi untung kemaren ga ada orang lain yang nyaut, ampe ada .... aku ..... aku lompat dari lantai 11 -_-"
Abis itu bukannya kenapa-kenapa si Merry malah tambah frontal!! Dia nyebut-nyebut si 'itu' (ceilah si itu xD). Tapi masih mending sih diplesetin kalo engga......... what the ftisland banget x_______x
Lalu 2 hari yang lalu, setelah sahur saya tidur lagi dan mimpi juga. Ada si aman di mimpi!! Sumpah antar ajaib, aneh, dan super duper menyenangkan. Aku mimpi jalan bareng ama gituuu~~~ mungkin aku mimpi gitu gara-gara si Merry salah denger aku ngomong, dia kira aku diajak jalan sama aman :/
Oiya, masa kan 3 hari yang lalu Nenek ku dateng dari Surabaya bareng sepupuku. Trus trus masa Nenek ku ngomong gini:
Nenek: "Ade sama Dimas tinggian siapa? Sama ya?"
Sepupuku: "Oh engga! Tinggian aku."
Aku: "..........." (dalam hati: sial -_-)
iya deh iya, Mas. Pffftt padahal dulu tinggi kita sama!! Aku cebol -_-;
Trus.... trus ..... tadi pagi aku sempet download scan nya AnAn nya Jaejoong. GA! Aku ga ngeliatin isinya apa! Ntar batal pula puasanya :PP sekarang pengen buka soalnya udah buka puasa *ditabok*!! *ngubek-ngubek folder* KYAAAAAAAAAAAA JAEJOONG!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ <--- teriakan fangirl
Unyuuuuu (wth unyu -_-) Jaejoong ganteng parah, subhanallah Maha Sempurna Allah, Dia telah menciptakan seseorang seganteng Jae~~~! Hahahhahaha saya sedang bersyukur kepada Allah SWT x3
tapi sayang, AnAn nya Jaejoong ga se-scandalous AnAn nya Sho atau Toma ;_____; Tapi aku juga setuju sih Jae photoshoot nya ga kea Sho, kalo terlalu gitu entar jadi ga bagus. Bagusan Jae yang kea gini, simpel gitu dan ga terlalu revealing ♥
Oke stop.
Aku posting video perf mereka yang Share The World! dan Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimatta'n Darou? pas The Secret Code Live Tour di Tokyo Dome. IHHH PENGEN NONTON LIVE!! *telat abis*
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
dreams grow under the moon light
Sorry, lagi sarap -_-
Iya nih mau numpang curhat.
Tapi curhat apa ya? Aku lupa mau curhat apa (lah)
Sekarang lagi puasa nih, jadi ga bisa yang aneh-aneh hehehe (emang yang aneh-aneh tuh apaan? hahaha). Anyway, iya gabisa ngapa-ngapain. Aku takut baca fanfic soalnya... ya ehem (NO BUKAN BERARTI SAYA BACA YANG ANEH-ANEH O_O;;). Ga gitu juga sih, aku lagi males aja baca fanfic gatau deh. Aku juga aga takut nonton video fandom. Why? Takut mabok dalam kemeriahan boyband (whut xD). Tapi tetep aja sih, kalo aku lagi bosen mengendap gitu di rumah, aku akhir-akhirnya nontonin video SuJu kek THSK kek apakeeeekkk. Abisnya, ga bisa nonton Fairy Tail ataupun DGM soalnya ga ada VLC Player *nangis di pojokan*
Hahahaha istighfar, saya udah tambah ga jelas dalam kurun waktu beberapa bulan ini *loncat-loncat depan tv*
Banyak nih happenings, selain puasa, of course.
Kemaren aku telah sedang membicarakan soal masa depanku (topik yang aga mengerikan, tapi tetep aja mesti dihadapi *keringat dingin*). No, aku ga mau ngebahas di sini, thank you very much. Sudah cukup aku curahkan hati di LJ. (lah emang aku nyurahin apa di eljay? -_-).
Trus ada lagi nih temenku, yang sedang berada dalam sebuah cinta segitiga. Hahh, alhamdulillah aku engga. Aku cuman mengarungi lautan one-sided love (puah! jijay ah xD).
Dan akhir-akhir ini keluar gen depresi ku, bersama dengan gen cewekku. eughhhhhh. Tobat deh aku ==. Oiya kegilaanku juga keluar. Kegilaan pas jaman-jaman obsessive possessive sama fandom. LOL. Si Merry shock pas dapet glimpse kegilaanku kemaren XD sorry ya Mer! Lupakan saja itu pernah terjadi, saya bersyukur sudah waras sekarang hyahahahhahaha XD
hahhhh, ngomongin itu aku jadi kangen jaman-jaman obsessive possessive sama fandom. Yah antar kangen sama bersyukur masa itu sudah lewat. Aduuhhhh malu aku kalo inget lagi hahahah xDD tapi itu jaman-jaman asoy. :)
HAAHAHHA jaman pas obsessive possessive ma Kpop itu lebih gila lagi. INGET BANGET REBUTAN IDOL SAMA BALQIS & YAYA. HAHAHHAHAHAHA AMPUN DAH!!!! *ngakak sampe jatoh dari kursi*
Yah, tapi bagemanepun juge, tetep aja masih ada pecahan-pecahan personality ku yang obsessive possessive masih tersisa. Apalagi kalo udah ngomongin Beijing Fried Rice (baca: Han Geng). Wuiihhhhh parah dah parah. Aku TOBAT IH x________x
Alhamdulillah, udah waras sekarang. Ga usah takut ya sama saya (LMAO WOOT XD).
Oke, cukup deh nulis-nulis ga jelas mencurahkan isi hati (eeuuugghhh xD). Lanjut ke hal-hal yang lebih ringan nan gembira~~~!
Aku baru ngebaca translate-an lagu Bolero nya THSK. LOL. Aku kan awalnya ga suka, jadi baru sekarang aja suka. Pengen posting deh di sini hihihihi.
闇に浮かぶ 月のステージに
踊る君を 夢見たんだ
深い深い 胸の傷を
一つ一つ 背負わないで
誰も君を 責めやしない
君は君で いればいいさ
On the moon stage that floats in the darkness
I had a dream of you dancing there
The deep, deep wound of your heart
Don't bear them all one by one
Nobody will blame you
It's okay to be who you are
聞かせて 愛しく儚く
つま先で 奏でるボレロ
舞い上がれ 君の悲しみも
癒される場所に 着けるさ
Let me hear the melody of the lovely, fragile ballerina
that is played by your tiptoes
Fly up! Your sadness will also
find a place to be healed
かもしゃらに希望の リズムを 刻む
Inside the dark room
The satisfying feelings
overflow from the window of the heart
Dreams grow
under the moon light
You frantically engrave the rhythm of hope
Dreams grow
君が君らしいのは 自由に羽ばたくから
誰も知ることのない 答え探して
You seem to be yourself
You flap your wings freely
And search for the answer that no one will ever know
聞かせて 愛しく儚く
つま先で 奏でるボレロ
舞い上がれ 君の悲しみも
癒される場所に 着けるさ
Let me hear the melody of the lovely, fragile ballerina
that is played by your tiptoes
Fly up! Your sadness will also
find a place to be healed
Let you dance away.
Don't you know yeah~~
I'll stand by your side ~
Fly away Fly away Fly away fly to the top ~
Fly forever ~
いつまでも(君を照らし 続けるよ)
どこにでも(僕は願い 続けるよ)
Forever I will continue to illuminate you
I will watch over your future
No matter where you go
I'll continue to wish for you
Because I'll protect
聞かせて 眩しく切なく
情熱で 煌くボレロ
君は決して ひとりじゃないから
命の限り 舞い上がれ
君の居場所は ここにある
Let me hear the dazzling, heart-rending ballerina that shines by passion
The song of joy
You're never alone, so
Fly up with all your life's strength
Your place is here.
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Blue Tomorrow
gatau lagi iseng, mau posting video + translate lirik, tapi yang ini udah di sub jadi yaudah hehe
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010
ハル ハル
Yeah... finally I realize that I'm nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me
Like the tides my heart is broken
Like the wind my heart is shaking
Like the smoke my love faded away
It never erases like a tattoo
I sigh deeply and the ground shakes
My heart is full of dust (say goodbye)
Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to live even one day without you
Far from what I expected, I'm getting along quite well by myself
You don’t answer anything as I cry out “I miss you”
I hope for a vain expectation but now it’s useless
What is it about that person next to you? Did he make you cry?
Do you even see me? Did you already completely forget me?
I am worried, I am anxious because I can't even approach you or talk to you
I spent the long nights alone, I erase my thoughts a hundred times
Leave and don't look back
Live on and never remember me
Because I have no regrets from loving you, so only take the good memories
I'll find a way to bear it
I'll find a way to stand it
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away
Oh, girl. I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye
Even if we bump into each other
Pretend you didn't see me and keep going
If you keep remembering old memories
I just might go look for you secretly
Always be happy with him, so I don't think of anything else
You have to get along so there is not even a small regret in me
Like the white sky and like the blue clouds
Yes, just smile like nothing is wrong
Leave and don't look back
Live on and never remember me
Because I have no regrets from loving you, so only take the good memories
I'll find a way to bear it
I'll find a way to stand it
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away
I hope your heart is relieved after leaving me
Just forget me and live on
Those tears will all dry up, yea
As day by day passes
If we never met each other then it would have hurt less
The promise of us together for eternity is now a memory, baby
I'll pray for you
Leave and don't look back
Live on and never remember me
Because I have no regrets from loving you, so only take the good memories
I'll find a way to bear it
I'll find a way to stand it
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away
Oh, girl, I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh, my love, don’t lie, lie
You’re my heart, say goodbye.
Senin, 12 Juli 2010
Back To School
Aga serem sih nih kelas 11, mana pada pisah-pisah pula!!! T_T huuu. Tapi ya sudahlah, terima apa adanya saja wkwkwk~
Gurunya ada yang ganti ada yang sama, sementara ini semua guru yang masuk kelas pada beda dari kelas 10. Guru Bio ganti, udah bukan bapak itu tapi jadi ibu itu. Menurutku sih oke aja~ kelihatannya belajar bersama ibu itu lebih menarik~ :)Guru Bahasa Arab sama Al-Qur'an ganti. No comment deh. Guru Math juga ganti. No comment juga soalnya emang ga ada komen. *paansih*
Aku ngambil duduk paling depan, seperti biasa. Dan aku juga udah nge-tag tempat duduknya Anggita ahahahaha. Duduk deket Secha juga.
SEDIH GA SEKELAS SAMA BALQIS, MERRY, TISA D"""": tapi okelah, aku terima sajeeee~~~~~~ ^^
Aku masih belom bisa beradaptasi sih sama kelas baru. Rasanya gimanaaaa gitu. Belom ......... pas aja. Kalo X2 kan keanya udah comfortable gitu, kalo IA1 .......... ya kita tunggu kapan jadi comfortable nya aje, if ever -_-;
Btw aku lagi suka-sukanya nih sama Fairy Tail ehehehe XD
sementara ini dari kemaren ngedengerin Ft. sama Snow Fairy mulu :OOO
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
As A Man
A new start is always frightening
But at least this time I truly believe it's love
Trying to be more happy than my painful separation
You and we should promise eternity and swear on it
But frequent interest may give minor pressures
Might get annoyed of the long calls I don't want to end
You might call the expanding love, obsession
As time goes by I'm getting smaller
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you wouldn't know even if you died
Since I'm lacking, Since I'm foolish, I'm only looking at you
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you don't understand me
You probably just want to be free, you probably won't be able to change, because you're a man
You're next to me but why does my heart feel empty
Why is it that your words "I love you" don't sound the same as before
the long waits are getting harder and harder
I think of giving up hundreds of times
I feel uneasy and can't sleep until you fall asleep
I go crazy when I can't contact you throughout the night
I'm not a woman who expects many things
But I collapse from one of your inattentive words
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you wouldn't know even if you died
Since I'm lacking, Since I'm foolish, I'm only looking at you
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you don't understand me
You probably just want to be free, you probably won't be able to change, because you're a man
I still feel like when we first met
I flutter in front of your smile
But even these small expressions are nowhere to be found between us
But since you're a man, since you're my man I still love you
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you wouldn't know even if you died
Since I'm lacking, Since I'm foolish, I'm only looking at you
Since you're a man, since you're a man, you don't understand me
You probably just want to be free, you probably won't be able to change, because you're a man
As A Man - Gummy
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
untitled cos I'm un-creative
I'm back for more ranting! xD
and excuse my exaggerations, I'm feeling especially
BUT I PREFER GRAVE OF MARIA THAN JUDGEMENT *slapped* no, that was a lame joke. In case ya didn't know, "Judgement" and "Grave of Maria" is General Cross's 2 Innocence :)
I think I should update my Lang-8 journal... it's about time I test my skills in Japanese! HAHAHA (what skills exactly? -__-;)
You can see my
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
I Was Wrong!
Well, I was watching tv yesterday and I came over 2AM's video I Was Wrong. I thought it was a pretty catchy song! I like it! And so here it is!
(I was annoyed when mom made comments about how NOT-good looking the guys were -.- um yeah, please, just focus on the music and not the people-----even though there are some guys that are better looking than others!)
and oh yeah, what's everyone's take on the problem invading the manga world on the net? :/
even Jeremy cannot believe what is happening to the manga community o_o
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010
what happened here??!
I mean WOW O.O;
the designs are much cooler than before! It's really neat! *grins grins*
it's the holidays bb! I'm getting my report card next saturday, I do pray I'm going to 11th grade next month :D
anyway, I really have to get on with my translation work...
but oh man! there's interesting stuffs going on in the fandom world!
TOP is releasing a solo album is he? And I heard Jay Park is collaborating with B.O.B?
SS3 will be held in Singapore... that sucks. SINGAPORE IS ONLY 2-3 ISLANDS AWAY FROM JAKARTA. SUPER JUNIOR COME HERE PLZ. :""""(
speaking of SM, SHINee! new mv! yay! I hope it's something like their debut song, cos Noona Neomu Yeppeo is awesome!!! :P
FMA HAS ENDED WOOT. *runs into a dank corner and cries*
ENDED ENDED ENDED I'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN TO BE ENTRANCED BY ANIMANGA FANDOM TT_TT if DGM is going to end any time soon I'll throw myself of a cliff
Naruto finally met his mother!! Kushina!!!!
I'm surprised how similar Kushina is to Sakura!! I have a feeling Kishi-sensei is rooting for NaruSaku---but that's okay, as long as it isn't SasuSaku -___- AND COME ON KISHI, MAKE SASUHINA CANON YEAH. *slapped*
The "ttebane" and "ttebayo" is making me laugh so hard hahahahaha.
I loved the mother-son interactions! I'll be waiting for the father-son interaction in the 4th movie :D
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
it is like that it is like this and whut?
kali ini dapet libur 3 hari soalnya tanggalan merah! Yoeee~~
Yah sebenernya kalo mau dibilang liburan juga ga bisa... lebih tepatnya 'belajar di rumah' MAEM TUH BELAJAR AUIEhdeuiHEIUFH. -.-;
deh biar ga stress dan jadi keysmashing molok pasang lagu ah... Aniragie by 2AM.
Okeh curhat neh.
GELA seminggu kemaren isinya ulangan tiap hari!! capek mental dan jiwa!! (ga ada beda, trus maksudnnya apa? -.-) pokoknya capek deh, poll! kemaren ulangan listrik. Trus terima nilai Fisika yang Perpindahan Kalor. Jijayus najus CUMAN SALAH SATU BOOOK. COBA KALO KESALAHAN YANG SATU ITU BENER AKU BISA DAPET SERATUS *nangis bombay* yasudahlah, yang sudah terjadi sudah terjadi.
Trus trus aku gedek sendiri sama nilai kimia ku. Sebenernya aku udah seneng alhamdulillah bersyukur gitu deh pas pertama kali denger nilaiku. Ya lumayanlah, even though I would have prefered getting something higher than my current grade. Trus malem-malemnya aku nanya nilai the other anime otaku (ya I've become an anime otaku know, I admit it, jangan protes XP) DAN AKU KESEL DIA DAPETNYA A PERFECT SCORE auHIHIYECIdhcjsbjbd. Oke, I won't hate others because of the good things that were bestowed upon them, but I really really really would have loved getting a perfect score on the chemistry test *sobs* I mean, if he could get the perfect score, why can't I? *kata-kata motivasi* HUAHAHAUAHUAHUAHHAHAHAHA XDDDDD
dia pinter banget sih, ngomongnya males belajar eh nilainya gemilang auhdiuhdief.
um ya ok, berhenti di situ.
DAN MASA AKU REMED SEJARAH. SEJARAH GETO!!! SARAP APE?!?! MALU-MALUIN AJA. *sembunyi di balik batu sambil meratapi nasib yang malang ini*
.... oke, mungkin aku lagi nulis blog ini sambil OD nasi goreng yak? Kok aku sarap gini sih nulisnya mwahahaha.
Ganti lagu deh jadi The One I Love - Super Junior KRY.
aku pengen main ke rumahnya Memes lagi!! Dan juga ke rumahnya Balqis!! Huhuhuhu. PENGEN JALAN BARENG MERRY, BALQIS, TISA, YAYA LAGI. *orang stress* emang aku pernah jalan bareng kemana? paling waktu itu doang berlima ke rumah merry.
Yaudah deh ya, aye mau mencoba ngerjain pr dulu. Mata ne!
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
udahlah, buat refreshing, mari kita kerjakan meme yang kucuri dari yaya
Don’t read the questions below until you pick ten artists. (Not in any specific order)
1. Super Junior
2. Arashi
3. YUI
5. SHINee
6. Yuna Ito
7. Ikimonogakari
8. Aqua Timez
9. Aoyama Thelma
10. Big Bang
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
— Miss You
What is your favorite song of 8?
— too many to list
What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
— SJ has left an irreplacable dent on my heart (not to mention my wallet) xDD
What is your favorite lyric of 5?
— Maybe you are worried about my young age
But look into my eyes, what is it telling you?
and I think I’m gonna hate it girl
if the end comes
Your heart will tell you, regardless of what others say
How many times have you seen 4 live?
What is your favorite song by 7?
— let's just stick to Blue Bird for now x)
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
— ...... Goodbye Days and TOKYO.
What is your favorite song by 9?
— Soba ni Iru ne feat. SoulJa
When did you first get into 2?
— 2 years ago, it's because of aniis! <3
How did you get into 3?
— cos of Aniss! but then I started to get into anime stuffs and I'm becoming crazy for YUI xDD
What is your favorite song by 4?
— um... Love in the Ice, Purple Line, Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimatta'n Darou, etc etc etc
How many times have you seen 9 live?
— I've never seen her live. BUT I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO. I hate this question ;_;
What is a good memory concerning 1?
— ... the time the 3rd album was released in Indonesia. I went back and forth and back...and forth and back and forth between two shopping malls to check which one of them has the album and which one of them has it at a cheaper price XDDDDD (I know I'm crazy) XDDD
Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
— Ketsui no Asa ni and Sen no Yoru wo Koete
What is your favorite song of 1?
— !!!! !!!! SJM !!!! *smacked* lol no, too many to write x_x
How did you become a fan of 10?
— since I saw Haru Haru on Channel[V]'s chart show I though GD & TOP was very good looking. But I don't think it's after Gara Gara Go that I became addicted to them XD
Sabtu, 17 April 2010

tadi aku baca review movie-nya di myanimelist.net, dan sumpah aku ngakak parah. LMAO. Kocak banget! Tapi pada ga suka ya sama movie ini. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. coughsasukebiasedcough. I mean, of course, the plot is so-so; the characters are okay, though. I didn't really pay much attention to the plot, cos the side-characters are showing up woot!!! ♥ ♥ among the previous Naruto movies, this is by far, the best one.
Pre-shippuden naruto movies are ... ok. Plots were bleh. But I dislike Naruto plots in general. Take the manga for instance, the overall plot is awesome, but I realize that those plots are overused in the Naruto world. I'm kinda getting sick of it. Maybe I'm just watching too many sucky fillers. -____-
Ok, I have been researching the trailers for this movie aaaannddd... here they are:
this trailer is SHUPER awesome!! But terribly misleading. -______- there is no such moments of NarutoxSasuke awesomeness in this movie. I repeat: no such rivalry awesomeness. Well, there will be some Naruto Sasuke awesomeness, but nothing like that (which is tbh a SHAME).
can I just say WhatTheFtisland??! THE MOVIE ISN'T LIKE THIS AT ALL. TRAILER MELEBAYKAN PELEMNYA. -_________- sumpah aku kesel nonton trailer ini -________-
ok. I'm gonna rant about the movie. Probably should put it as spoiler~~
The destroying of Konoha sucks. -_____- flying ninjas was ...... the first thought that goes through my mind was: "..... laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammeeee ......" but I appreciate the effort! Ninja flying with chakra was a pretty cool idea. But the total destroyment of Konoha isn't. -.- And kunai filled bombs + kunai rifles + kunai machine guns = WTH.
It was pretty entertaining. The idea of the bad guy being a doctor and all is cool. And Amaru!! God, it was a shock to find out he's a she!! o________o AND THAT SCENE WHERE AMARU WAS SUCKING ON NARUTO'S THIGH. I LITERALLY SCREAMED. "OHMYGOD YATTERMAN!!!!" LMAO. *slapped*
May I fangirl over the appearance of my favvvvorite character: HYUUGA HINATA! I practically skipped in happiness when they showed that Naruto's 3-man-cell included Hinata!! (I am not gleeful with the NaruHina factors -.- SASUHINA FOREVER, UN!). But then like usual, they made Hinata---okay, Sakura showed up in this movie---completely useless. One moment there was this scene where Hinata sensed some weird chakra and then she disappeared and only showed up later as a prisoner with her chakra drained. -________- WHAT. HINATA-SAMA NEEDS MORE LINES, MORE SCREEN TIME!!!
AMARU ROCKED. SASUKE KICKED ASS. NARUTO MADE THE "DETERMINATION RASENGAN"----rofl anyone? XD. AND THEN SASUKE SHOWED A NON-PSYCHOTIC SIDE OF HIM YESHH. The lates manga chapters reaaallyyy lowered my view of Sasuke what with him being an annoying psychotic crazy lunatic ass!
but nonetheless, Sasuke RULEZ. There is some NaruSasu (friendship, guys, I don't like them yaoi!) moments that I found squeal-worthy.
And of course, SAI & SHINO ACTION!! ♥ ♥ Sai's midair fight was just soooooooooooooo terrific!! And Shino's metal-eating bugs were so badass!! :D :D :D :D I think I'm growing to like Sai even more!!
and there was this moment when Naruto is going to destroy the floating whatever-it-was and he managed to get the villagers + Amaru + Hinata off the floating thing (with Sasuke's help of course---I fangirled so much about this part), and then he forces Sasuke off the thing too by destroying Sasuke's footrest, like what?!
All in all, the most awesome parts were
ok. some screencaps to end this rant!post :3
all in all, it ranks 7.5/10 in a non-biased way. But it ranks 9/10 in a biased way XDD
Minggu, 11 April 2010
Holiday that's not a Holiday
*double click icon windows media player*
*browse lagu*
*double click Go!! - FLOW*
*volume up*
Isn't there anything better to do? Oh, but there are ... lots and lots of stuff to do. In Al-Azhar, the term 'holiday' translates to 'studying at home'. Therefore, there no real holiday ('cept if you count weekends).
The teachers gave us students loads to do on this week-long *bunny fingers* holiday. There are those maths Matrix papers, physics, that troublesome interview for economics... have I missed any other holiday work?
*lagu ganti jadi Innocent Sorrow - Abingdon Boys School*
I have worked on Math home...er...holiday work bit by bit, though I have not touched Physics nore Economics yet. How am I able to get that interview done if I don't even know on which friggin group I'm on (lol that was an unnecessarily harsh word). In short, I wouldn't be able to get it done even if I wanted to (not that I don't want to).
I'm practicing my English here. I'd like to perfect it every ways I can. And also, I'd really like to learn more about Japanese.
*lagu ganti jadi Uso - SID*
This *another bunny fingers* holiday I plan to devote myself to my growing number of anime fandoms. I really need to finish watching Code Geass and FMA: Brotherhood. And then there's D.Gray-Man that needs catching up. What else .... oh yeah, I reaally need to start reading Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle cos I like xxxHolic or something or other. And then Merry also said that I have to watch Darker than Black cos it's a good anime.
*lagu ganti jadi SNOW KISS - Nirgilis*
I'm really liking D.Gray-Man, I wonder why. And lately I've been ... slightly abandoning Bleach *kicked*. But I've been very updated on Naruto. I guess I like those 3 because it contains humor :)
eehhh... FMA have also been slightly abandoned. That is mostly because Kino isn't selling volume 17 and 19 and 20. Speaking of Kino... they are selling DGM manga with prices that are a little higher that normal -____- usually there's a differentiation of prices between volumes of the same series, but noooo, not with DGM! SUCKS.
*lagu ganti Trust You - Yuna Ito*
SasuHina is still my OTP, and so is ShiHan (although HanChul had managed to sneak into my brain while I was unawares). I really can't say that I like any of the canon pairings. I approve of NaruSaku, but it doesn't mean that I like them. I don't like any particular pairings in Bleach (I approve of IchiRuki). I like RoyRiza though ... but then again I don't google fanpics and/or fanfics of 'em (not that I read fanfics of ShiHan----only that one awesome fic).
*lagu ganti jadi Ketsui no Asai ni - Aqua Timez*
About DGM ... I still don't see any canon/fanon pairings I like. I am ... a bit against AllenLenale for reasons that I myself can't fathom. Although I have developed a liking towards Lavi *heart-shaped eyes*, Miranda, Kanda, Allen, Tyki, and Road. But ... no, no pairings for now. Which reminds me, I am not yet interested in the world of DGM fanfics ... that goes for FMA and Pandora Hearts.
*lagu ganti jadi Me - Super Junior M*
Poor Hannie! Poor Henry bb!! Poor Mi Mi!! Poor SJM!! What will Henry & MiMi do, now that Hannie is leaving SME and therefore making SJM disband. AWH DARNIT. SJM is my favorite sub-group of Super Junior! I might even say that I like SJM better than SJ!! *slapped* excuse me, but I am extremely SJM-biased.
*lagu ganti jadi Ring Ding Dong - SHINee*
well, it's late. Gotta go catch some shut eye.
Oyasumi nasai!
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
I'm still unsure about this new journey.
On the bus ride to the train station,
I text-messaged my friends.
At the station I tried calling someone,
But something felt different about it all.
All I brought with me was an old guitar,
Leaving the rest of my old life behind.
I take something and I get something,
I ponder that cycle in my heart.
I always try to hide my fears in my dreams.
When get afraid, I can't seem to do anything.
I got on the train, it rushed away,
And I slowly started to cry.
Life in my town continued on outside.
I prayed that it'd never change.
The man who gave me my old guitar
Told me Tokyo is a scary place.
I've stopped looking for all the answers.
It's okay to have some flaws.
Those grey skyscrapers blocked the setting sun.
Even if I endure these tears today,
Won't tomorrow's cold morning hold more doubt?
I can't choose the right thing,
At least I know that much.
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
akhir-akhir ini pada emo yaks? Ato yang emo cuman saya doang? hmhph.
udah lama juga ga update ini blog. Bingung mau nulis apa :3
Mau ngomong nilai? ah jangan, nanti tambah emo xP
Mau ngomongin kehidupan sehari-hari? nooo, sumber emo itu xD
Mau ngomongin fandom? lah, ngomongin tentang apa~ wong kpop lagi jijay, wong jpop lagi males mendalaminya, wong anime sudah didalami sejak terkena virus gelo.
Sebenernya enak ya kalo bisa ngebacot tentang hal apa aja yang lagi mengendap di dalam diri saya, tapi endak bisa. Why? I don't know the reason.
There must be a reason, though, because everything has a reason for itself. A reason for being. A reason for happening. A reason for ending. A reason for beginning.
The reason is obscure. Try as we might. Maybe one day it will become clear. Or maybe our hands will grasp only emptiness.
Shall we search? Look for things that is not there. Then what is the reason to keep on living?
Looking for the things behind things. Inside what is inside. Behind what is behind.
Search the sky. Search the clouds. We are going no where.
Can you give us a clue? To find a reason to keep up this passion.
Passionate looking for understanding.
Obscure looking for emptiness.
Nowhere is somewhere. Where shall we find it?
To keep on walking and searching, but finding nothing lest we fall down.
Truth be told, nothing is there.
The reason.
We are not lost. We are not found. We are not here.
Somewhere is nowhere. Everybody is nobody.
There is no meaning to this. Just endless rambling.
It is wrong. It is right. Whatever people say we say it too. The mindset is there.
You know this, I know this, nobody knows.
Never ending
Forever continuing
But there was never a start, was it?
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
oh my...
Super Girl by Super Junior M
hum hum hum Hangeng!! *tiba tiba*Look at me, look at me, don't always think of him
Doesn't love, doesn't love, he doesn't love you
You're more perfect than he is
Don't always stare at that cell phone
Don't be so half-hearted again
You understand, you're very clear, my Super Girl
Sometimes when you think about the flowers he gave you..
Throw them away, please quickly throw them away
Or of his most charming smile..
Forget it, please forget it quickly
His gentleness causes you to revert back..
Wake up, please wake up quickly
Your good points are such a mystery
Please let me help you keep them well
Oh My Super Girl, you are my Baby Girl
He can't see your beauty, the magic behind that ordinary exterior
Oh My Super Girl, I am your Super Man
Your gaze leaves me fascinated
I'll do anything for you
Look at me, look at me, don't follow him all the time
If he says "I like you"
No matter how busy he is he will still be able to wait for you
That must be the lies he says
That must not be from the bottom of his heart
Oh, don't believe him--leave him
Oh, quickly, come to my side
Sometimes when you think about the flowers he gave you..
Throw them away, please quickly throw them away
Or of his most charming smile..
Forget it, please forget it quickly
His gentleness causes you to revert back..
Wake up, please wake up quickly
Your good points are such a mystery
Please let me help you keep them well
Oh My Super Girl, you are my Baby Girl
He can't see your beauty, the magic behind that ordinary exterior
Oh My Super Girl, I am your Super Man
Your gaze leaves me fascinated
I'll do anything for you
In happiness, in sadness
I'll promise that I'll always be with you, will always be with you
I'll prepare the most beautiful love in the whole world, the most precious love
I'm waiting for you to move into my heart
Don't give up your right to happiness
You're the most perfect girl in the entire world
Oh My Super Girl, you are my Baby Girl
He can't see your beauty, the magic behind that ordinary exterior
Oh My Super Girl, I am your Super Man
Your gaze leaves me fascinated
I'll do anything for you
You are my most super girl (don't wait)
Fly with me towards the future (Love doesn't need a rehearsal)
I'm your super support (don't wait)
Fly with me towards the future (Love doesn't need a rehearsal)
Stage Of Youth Ending Song
Keep hesitating, it'll get complicated
Love or don't love, there are only two choices
Answering first may not be a silly move
Trust your sixth sense, no need to ask him first
You think too much, feel too busy
But this is love's most warm stage
Love is like the playoffs
Waiting for an unexpected answer
Who takes the initiative, who waits on the sidelines
Sometimes far, sometimes close this is love
Our playoffs
Requires implicit understanding and a long battle
Who is certain, who is unsettled
Sometimes good, sometimes bad, this normally last until the future
No one is impatient
It's just that getting along is harder than loving one another
This lesson is hard to learn
But I won't let you give up the battle
Why is happiness such a vicious cycle
I can't stop it and will never find a replacement to fill it
Love is like the playoffs
Waiting for an unexpected answer
Who takes the initiative, who waits on the sidelines
Sometimes far, sometimes close this is love
Our playoffs
Requires implicit understanding and a long battle
Who is certain, who is unsettled
Sometimes good, sometimes bad, this normally last until the future
Keep hesitating, it'll get complicated
Love or don't love, there are only two choices
Answering first may not be a silly move
Trust your sixth sense, no need to ask him first
gombal jijayus najus?
biarin ah! lagi suka ama lagunya! XP
Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010
minggu ini ga bagus. Ga bagus!!
Aku ga suka sama yang namanya pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Paan tuh! Orang kita setiap hari bicara pake b indo kenapa mesti pake dipelajarin lagi?!?!?? EEUUUGGGHH. Dari pada b indo mending b inggris dah!! Mendingan juga bahasa Jepang yak? wkwkwk~ xD
Hihihi ekskul bahasa Jepang menjadi kegiatan penghibur di penghujung minggu. Walaupun dia menjadi pelepas setres, sisi negatifnya ialah membuatku tambah menyerong -_____-
hentainya ga nahan cuuuyyy~~
aku jadi ngerti berbagai hal yang seharusnya aku belom tau, euwah ampun tobat dah saya.
yasudahlah percakapan beralih ke yang lain :)
daftar komik yang mau dibeli!!! TTT.TTT
1. Pandora Hearts (zomg mau beli yang no 5!!)
2. Fullmetal Alchemist
3. Bakuman (zomg mana 7th volume!!)
4. Bleach (zomg harganya masih mahal!!!)
5. Naruto
6. Kimi ni Todoke (zomg shoujou!)
shock ga kalo aku baca shoujou? Yagalah ya orang aku cewek hahahaha! Tapi aku aga males sih ya baca Shoujou.... kenapa? Gambar cowoknye ga ada yang ganteng!! *dibantai*
hahaha gadeng.
soalnya aku gabisa bedain antara karakter yang ini sama karakter yang itu. Semuanya keliatan ... the same gitu deh :/ tapi shoujou yang aku pernah baca sih cuman Kimi ni Todoke, HanaKimi, HanaDan doang. (no offense ya buat semua penyuka Shoujou manga, dan juga mangaka shoujou)
Hahahaha, mungkin aku mesti baca manga shoujou yang lainnya kali ya? Hmmm ada yang mau recommend manga shoujou yang bagus?
Aku denger denger sih SkipBeat bagus ya?
aku heran.
kenapa ya aku suka banget sama SasuHina... :/
tapi aku ga heran kenapa aku suka banget sama Hinata :) tapi yang bikin shock ialah kenapa si Asai bisa langsung tau alasan kenapa aku suka Hinata :x
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
JA to the PAN
Mina-san, o-genki desu ka.
Udah lama banget ga nulis di blog ini hihihi~
kemaren pas ekskul Jepang aku baru belajar kalo udah pake 'desu ka' ga usah pake tanda tanya :)
igh, ekskul Jepang apaan tuh?! Sebenernya belajar ape belajar coba. Anak-anak muridnya kerjanya ngelawak mulu (yah yang kakak kelas cowok sih, kalo kakak kelas cewek anteng, kalo kelas 10 nya gila sendiri di belakang XD), mana gurunya juga ga beres! *ditimpuk sendal sama Luki-san*
いやぁ、冗談ですよ (笑)
Tapi seru juga sih ekskul Jepang huwahahaha
Kemaren si Tisa diculik, dipaksa ikut Jepang sama aku sama Asai wkwkwkwk~!
DO YOU KNOW? (tiba2 jadi inget lagunya Enrique Iglesias yang Ping Pong Song xD) aku kemakan iklaan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aku akhir-akhir ini nontonin S.E.O.U.L SONG mulu jadi pengen ke Korea trus mampir ke semua tempat yang ada di MV itu!!!!!!!!! Korban iklan banget ga sih? *wajah memelas*
QHYUN'S VOICE *spazz* *ditabok*
ya suaranya Kyuhyun enak banget seriusan. Seriusaaann!! Aku dengerinnya tuh ampe uuuuhhhhh I got goosebumps listening to his voice!! ♥
yowes posting-posting random mvs just because I want to XD
Step and Go! - Arashi
Again - YUI
ホゼマヌエル MySpace Video
Breakout - Tohoshinki
breakout breakout!! ♥ single baru Tohoshinki hihihi~
the special video that is breaking my heart..
FOREVER13+2 ♥ ♥ D"""""""":
but well, I can't protest if he leaves SJ because SM is treating him inhumanly :(
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
biasa aja xD cuman yang bikin aku kesel itu pas tadi malem, aku kan bangun ampe jam 12 ngobrol sama Balqis, trus pas jam 12-an kita udah selesai tuh ngobrol. Trus kan aku mau tidur, eh tiba-tiba.........PADA NYALAIN KEMBANG API. PARAH. Ribut banget serius deh!!! Kea semua tetangga tuh nyalain kembang api terus-terusannn!!! Aku ga bisa tidur sumpah rame!! Baru bisa jam 1-an ==; setres kagak seh?!?!?! Pada ga ngerti apa kalo mau tidur?? Hahahaha xD
I have only one wish, that in 2010 I will be a better person for my family, friends, and ... well, everyone :)
okeeee lanjuutttt!! Sumpah tadi pagi aku dikagetin, tiba-tiba Twitter allkpop tulisannya: "TVXQ has officially disbanded?" D: beberapa menit kemudian omonatheydidn't ngetweet BAHWA SEMUA ITU BO'ONG. OHMAIGAAAATTT BIKIN JANTUNGAAANN!!!! ==; dasar neh media kagak bisa dipercaya. TAPI AMIN DAH TOHOSHINKI KAGAK BUBAR.
oke oke lanjut lagi! Sebenernya aku pengen ngomongin dorama Korea yang aku baru mulai tonton tadi pagi padahal udah seminggu beli xD
Itu loh, dorama You're Beautiful! Yang A.N.JELL itu. Gatau, awalnya aku kurang tertarik gimanaaaa gitu, tapi kan heboh tuh di LJ. Akhirnya aku beli, tapi tetep males nontonnya! Abisnya ga ada SJ ato Tohoshinki!! *dihajar*
Maka dari itu, akhir-akhir ini di TV sering diputer mv F.T. Island yang I Hope. Lagunya enak, serius! Yauwes, mari sini tak postkan...
See??? Enak kahhhn!! -------- oke, back to what I was saying. Aku jadi suka banget sama nih lagu dan aku jadi tertarik sama F.T. Island! (mungkin berpengaruh juga karena vokalis-nya cute dan drummer nya cakep lol *dijambak*) Nah, karena aku denger-denger nih dorama ada anggota F.T. Island yang mainin, aku coba nonton aja.
Lalu..... UWOOO PELM NYA KOCAK PARAH!! XD dan seperti ada namjja yang amit-amit ada juga yang kkot mi nam :P aku tuh sebelnya kenapa si cewek jadiannya ama yang amit-amit/ngeselin. Pfft! Ga cuman di dorama ini aja!! Di berbagai dorama yang lain juga! Sebagai contoh: BBF - kenapa Jandi ga sama Jihoo aje??, Hana Kimi - kan mantepan Nakatsu daripada Sano, HYD - ga usah di tanya deh orang mendingan Rui daripada Domyouji!!
Kenapa si Go Mi Nam malah sama Tae Kyung? Kenapa ga sama Shin Woo atau Jeremy aja?? Eh yaudah deh engga juga gapapa, biar Shin Woo & Jeremy sama aku ROFLMAO *dihajar massa* jk! Awalnya mamahku suka nonton dorama ini (baca: aku paksa biar suka), pas dia liat Tae Kyung dia ilfil, trus tiba-tiba Shin Woo dateng dia gajadi ilfil, eh tiba-tiba Tae Kyung muncul lagi MAMAHKU NGABUR DARI KAMARKU "gamau ah, orangnya jelek!" LMAO. NGAKAK PARAH.

ahh aku jadi suka sama ini dorama! dan aku jadi suka sama Hongki xD uuhhhh Jeremy kocak banget sih ♥