Kamis, 02 April 2009

hima kara...

Hima nandakara, konna koto wo shimasu.
hehehe ga ada kerjaan nih..... (padahal sebenernya tugas numpuk gituh hahaha). Jadi yaudah deh aku nulis nih meme aja. Ga tau juga sih pada manggil ginian paan, cman kalo di LJ (Livejournal) ginian ituh namanya 'meme'. ^_^

Hehehe aku curi ya, cha, memenya~
ga apa-apa kan? :D

1. What color is your phone?

2. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter R?

3. Who's the last person you called?
Dea 8D ^^

4. Who was your last missed call from?
Mamahku huehehe

5. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?

6. Who's speed dial 2?

7. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under I?

8. Who was your last received call from?
Papahku :D

9. Who's speed dial number 4?
I have no one assigned on speed dial ^^

10. What is your background?
Sakura, Cherry Blossom XD (hahaha iya, iya, emg gila Jepang!!)

11. How many text messages are currently in your inbox?

12. Who's speed dial 1?
didn't I say I have no one on speed dial???? -_-

13. What's the 5th message say in your inbox?
"Atikaaa!harusnya tuh kamu pm hr ini.."

14. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B?
No one O_O

15. Who was your last text message from?

16. Name every person you have text messages from.
Balqis, Rani, Dea, ortu, syafira, dll

18. Who's the 9th person on your missed calls?
Rani.. hahaha

19. What does the 6th message in your Outbox say?
"Dea kamu ul sejarah g?"

20. Who is the first name in your phonebook?

21. Who is the last name in your phonebook?

22. Do you have a camera phone?
I once did, but no more..

24. What does the last text message say in your inbox?
"Knp komenmu cuma aaahhh..kamu ga ngmbk lg ma aku kan?"

25. Who is the second person under K?
No one -__-

26. What is your ringtone?
I have none.. my phone only buzzes like mad..

27. Who's the first person under H?
No one..

28. Second person in your contacts?
Dea Andina

29. Third person under C?
Cheating Q (hahahaha, tebak siapa!)

30. Second name under I?

31. sixteenth person who has called you?
Dea Astika :D

32. the 25th person who last called you?
Mamahku ^^

33. Can you access internet from your phone?
No T_T

34. How much credit do you have left right now?
49 sekian sekian.. hihi..

35. Do you play games on your phone?
No, but Rani does! hehehe

tau nih lagi ga ada kerjaan.. -___-

Ahhh aku lagi suka banget sama nih lagu! ^^
Stand by Me by SHINee

Lagu ini adalah Opening Theme Song nya Boys Before Flowers.
BBF merupakan drama Korea yang di adaptasikan dari dorama Hana Yori Dango yang berasal dari Jepang. Y'know what? Sebenarnya BBF dan HYD itu jalan ceritanya sama, meskipun tidak persis sama tapi ide dasarnya sama.
Tapi, drama yang paling awal dari serial Hana Yori Dango ini adalah Meteor Garden. Yoooii! Pada tau kan kalo aku sebut Meteor Garden? hahaha TaumingSe dan Sancai.. siapa yang ga tau coba? F4 (F Se)? hahahahaha
Meteor Garden adalah versi Taiwannya, Boys Before Flowers adalah versi Koreanya, Hana Yori Dango (dari 1 samapai Final) adalah versi Jepangnya, dan kabarnya akan ada HYD versi Cina dan Filipin! Huwaaa O_O banyak banget ya??? Kayaknya aku dah cukup ma HYD dan BBF hahaha
Drama populer ini di angkat dari komik seri Jepang yang berjudul "Hana Yori Dango". ^^

Cukup sekian ttg dramanya, silahkan di dengar lagunya~!

Jangan pedulika pria ber-rambut kriwil di situ.. dia sungguh ENGGA BANGET -____-
Junpyo aneh.. mendingan JiHu sama.. siapa tuh yang versi Korea Nishikado. hehehe :D

that's all for today, mata aimashou~! ^_^v

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