scratch that, I'm going to rant for a whole paragraph.
Heck, even if I don't exactly know what happened between geng and SM, I do understand that there is 2 sides to everything and something in between. Black, white, and that little gray area in-between (you get my drift). And that just went to saying that I believe both Gengie and SME has faults. But I'm not going to be judgemental and be a smartass and try to point out exactly what those 'faults' are, cos frankly IDK.
awh scratch that, I'm going to rant for A WHOLE PAGE.
Frankly, IDC what those 'faults' are cos that's none of my business. I'm not going to trashtalk anyone or anything because that's just unethical and not a good thing to do! And who am I to judge them before I know anything, huh?
But what irks me is that before this whole HanGeng-is-quitting-SJ mess, there's the JaeChunSu case. Which points out to some kind of ... weird stuff in the contract. But hey, who am I to say? I'm just a 15-year-old highschool student that know next to nothing about how legal contract works.
Eh, I don't know what irks me anymore.
Eh that's all.
I just want to know what Hangeng has to say in all this. (I'm being a crazy fangirl again lolz~)
To be honest, it's getting a little OOC for me to be this ... snappy and cinycal. I'm going to stop and log off to clear my head. This whole SM thing has got me all wound up tee hee~ xD
well. I don't think I should get all tied up about this. I mean, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. I'm not the one filing a request to terminate my contract.
scratch that, I'm going to rant for a whole paragraph.
Heck, even if I don't exactly know what happened between geng and SM, I do understand that there is 2 sides to everything and something in between. Black, white, and that little gray area in-between (you get my drift). And that just went to saying that I believe both Gengie and SME has faults. But I'm not going to be judgemental and be a smartass and try to point out exactly what those 'faults' are, cos frankly IDK.
awh scratch that, I'm going to rant for A WHOLE PAGE.
Frankly, IDC what those 'faults' are cos that's none of my business. I'm not going to trashtalk anyone or anything because that's just unethical and not a good thing to do! And who am I to judge them before I know anything, huh?
But what irks me is that before this whole HanGeng-is-quitting-SJ mess, there's the JaeChunSu case. Which points out to some kind of ... weird stuff in the contract. But hey, who am I to say? I'm just a 15-year-old highschool student that know next to nothing about how legal contract works.
Eh, I don't know what irks me anymore.
Eh that's all.
I just want to know what Hangeng has to say in all this. (I'm being a crazy fangirl again lolz~)
To be honest, it's getting a little OOC for me to be this ... snappy and cinycal. I'm going to stop and log off to clear my head. This whole SM thing has got me all wound up tee hee~ xD
well. I don't think I should get all tied up about this. I mean, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. I'm not the one filing a request to terminate my contract.

and here's some articles...
the first news
prince magnae's cryptic entry
what SME said..
poor prince magnae..
geng's message on cyworld
excuse me for freaking out about things I shouldn't be freaking out about.
1 komentar:
makanyaa JE dong *dilempar bibir sama hangeng*
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