Yes, here comes the Korean Music Wave rant post!! Finally. Hahahaha.

Description (taken from their facebook page
Korean Music Wave 2011
15 July 2011
7.30 PM
Singapore Indoor Stadium
KOREAN MUSIC WAVE 2011 is set to be the defining Korean music event of the year featuring GD&TOP, TAEYANG, SEUNGRI, 2NE1, FT ISLAND, MISS A, U-KISS, TEEN TOP, DAL★SHABET, THE BOSS, TOUCH and X-5.

So, I had bought the ticket from a travel agent here in Jakarta a few weeks before the event. The travel agent were working together with sistic. I was so ecstatic and I couldn't wait for 15 July! I didn't even care that at the 15th I was supposed to go to school! Lol yeah I skipped and my parents didn't mind in the least :P
I went to Singapore by plane on the 15th at 6 AM from Soekarno-Hatta (with my family, cos my mom decided to tag along to the con lol). And I'm really surprised at how busy the airport is already! I mean, the last time I went to airport this early in the morning, it didn't have that much people! o__o the line for immigration was long~ but I got past that and boarded the plane. I was also excited at going to Singapore. It had been a long time since I'd last been there.
I arrived in Changi at 9 AM. We went to get breakfast cos I was starving! We'd been up since 3 AM and we haven't eaten at all. So we went to the nearest BK and ordered. I was a bit flustered when I was ordering because I wasn't used to singlish. It took longer than usual to order a burger XD I guess you could say I was a little bit culture-shocked haha XD
And after that we went to the hotel, it was a small hotel in Chinatown and it's near the MRT and that's the only thing that matters. After stopping by to check in, we split up. My mom and I went to Somerset while my dad went off somewhere else. I went to 313@Somerset because I heard that's where HMV is.
At 313@Somerset I was all ecstatic because the store had Uniqlo shop!!! I had known that it's the store where they sold the Big Show commemorative T-Shirt. I decided to check it out once I've been to HMV.
At HMV I was even more ecstatic. I almost couldn't stop myself from fangirling. They had Arashi CDs!!! And NEWS! And Shimizu Shota!! And Aoyama Thelma!!!! Yuna Ito!!! AND AQUA TIMEZ CD OMG!!!!! And the K-Pop collection also impressed me. BIG BANG 4th MINI ALBUM SPECIAL EDITION. 2PM HANDS UP. So I bought the Special Edition, Aqua Timez's Carpe Diem, and Taeyang's Solar International. It was a bit expensive, but oh well~ XD I also bought a present for my lovely imouto with the help of my nee-chan. ^^ I was also tempted to buy U-KISS's Bran New Kiss but I didn't.
After that I went to Uniqlo and I was almost jumping up and down in joy when I found that they had Big Bang t-shirts AND it was on sale! I can't believe it! I bought maybe like 4 tees. LOL. I was on a fandom shopping spree! XD and then the both of us felt a little tired so we went back to the hotel ... but not before I came over a Jay Park ad for Denizen!!! askfdsakjfd~~ XD bb is gorgeous I swear.
We finally went to the concert venue at about 4 PM. I wore my Big Bang uniqlo tees *insert evil laugh*. I was a bit upset that I didn't have any fandom attributes, but then I bought the t-shirt and I wasn't so upset anymore hehe. On the MRT I saw a girl wearing uniqlo BB t-shirts and she had a fanboard. And because my mom and I didn't really know where the Indoor Stadium is we decided to follow her. HAHA, I'm sorry whoever you are.
When we arrived at the Stadium stop it was raining a little. And I was surprised when the Stadium were actually precisely in front of the MRT station. We went there and I was disappointed to see no goodies booth. I was told that there would be booths, but I guess the sale time is over or something. :( my mom and I decided to explore the stadium a little. We saw the entrance for Pen A & B and we found our entrance to the tribune on the second floor.
I was so so so so surprised to see almost everyone in the vicinity was wearing BB Uniqlo t-shirts. I was like "OMG THEY'RE ALL HERE TO SEE BIGBANG". But then I saw a few wearing FTI t-shirts and some other attributes. I was standing and looking around when suddenly two vans drove past me. And inside one of the van were a group of guys, Korean guys, who looked sorta familiar. And one of the guy smiled and waved at me. I was a little dumbstruck so I only stared back at him. And then the vans were gone. OMG WHO WAS THAT. o___o;; I never knew.
It was still 5 PM and since the venue opens at 6 PM, the both of us decided to hang out at the nearest Starbucks. There I met admins for a U-KISS fanbase in Singapore and I asked her for a light stick LOL~
The Starbucks was located in a mall of some kind, and even inside the mall it was swarming with concert-goers. I saw several people wearing t-shirts with Big Bang's member's faces on it. And several people wearing FTI and 2NE1, and U-KISS t-shirts. And there were even some people playing around with the crown light stick (which I had wanted so effin' badly)! akjsf!!!1!!!1
And finally it was 6 PM! I was soooooooooo excited. My mom and I left the coffee shop and went to the stadium. I went to take a picture with the Stadium as the background kekeke. Then we got into the queue and well...... waited. We were discussing about stuffs when suddenly the young woman in front of us turned around and asked us if we were Indonesians in Bahasa Indonesia. I was all shocked and then we talked for a bit. And then suddenly we heard the lady behind us talking in Bahasa Indonesia! o____o was I even in Singapore? LOL.
When we finally got inside the venue I was awed to see it was large and cool (Singapore was humid orz)! It was my first concert so excuse me for being downright awed and amazed and effin' excited. XD We took some pics~ lol.
And then we wanted to sit down on our tribune seat, but it turns out, that the tribune seats had been upgraded. And we were sitting in between tribune and VIP seats. I WAS SO AMAZINGLY DELIGHTED. THE STAGE WAS CLOSE AND I HAD A CLEAR VIEW OF IT. We then took some more pics. XD
While waiting for the show to start, we ate ice cream that we bought earlier hahaha. And then they started playing some clips of Korean Wave in Singapore of some sorts. Everyone screamed when they saw their favorite artists. I was like "omg chill, you're going to see the actual person so save your voice". LOLOL.
The lights finally dimmed. Everyone screamed. And I screamed when I saw Kevin MC-ing. KEVIN OMG THAT GUY IS SO PRETTY AND HIS VOICE IS SO PRETTY TOO AND I WAS SPAZZING IN MY SEAT. Kevin was MCs along with Miss A's Min and two other dudes who I don't really care about XD
The first performer was F.T. ISLAND.
I WAS SPAZZING IN MY SEAT. I thought some other less-known group would perform first, but, no, FTI was first. FTI sang Love Love Love, Hello Hello, I Hope, and Bing Bing Bing. I was screaming "LEE HONGKI LEE HONGKI LEE HONGKI" OMG HIS VOICE IS SOOOOOOO GOOD. THEY ALL LOOKED SO FINE. HONGKI~~~ too bad I only knew Hongki lol. I sang along to every song. I saw Hongki's grabbing-clawing-the-air thing when he sang Hello Hello live omg lol. I was pleasantly surprised when they suddenly played the intro for I Hope. It's like, my ultimate favorite song of FTI and the song that got me into buying their CDs though not into the fandom. Hongki and the guitarists FINALLY went on the extended stage. Hongki was fooling around and dancing .......... he couldn't dance. I knew that the minute he moved his body LOL. AND THEN WHEN THE SONG ARRIVED AT THE RAP HONGKI WAS HOLDING THE MIC FOR THE BLONDE GUY KINDA IN A HUGGING POSITION. I WAS SCREAMING AT HOW COOL IT LOOKED. It was only after the con did I found out that the rapper's name was Seunghyun. When the intro for Bing Bing Bing played, both my mom and kinda screamed LOLOL. We've replayed Cross&Change like thousands of times and Bing Bing Bing is one of our favorite tracks. I sang along like crazy. Jumping in my seat. LOL.
And after FTI, it was X-5, Touch, and Dal Shabet. I don't remember the exact sequence. It was bleh for Touch and Dal Shabet since I don't like/know them.
But X-5 on the other hand is a different matter. Fantasy and DPOAC is kinda my guilty pleasure. I don't really exactly like them, but I enjoy seeing them performing those songs. When they first introduced X-5 they said the group was really tall. And they were! When they came out on the stage I was like "Omg they're really large!!!" hahahaha. They performed Fantasy first. I was all spazzing for the dance choreo XD Too bad I don't know the members names or I would've screamed lol. I really loved the choreo for Fantasy, I think it was a bit different from their perf in MuBank but oh wellz. I was singing along to Fantasy HAHAHA I think I'm one of the few who actually got sincerely excited for X-5's stage XD And then they performed Don't Put On An Act. XD I was excited when I saw the Zhoumi look-a-like began to sing. AND THEN THEY STARTED TO DANCE TO THE REFF. OMGOMG I WAS TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THEIR DANCE AND WAS ECSTATIC TO SEE IT LIVE. And then the part after the reff came and I was spazzing. Frankly, that sequence where the two guys were singing back to back and kinda circling was my absolute favorite part of the choreo. I screamed lol. And then yeah, the took off their jacket and ran to the extended stage. And yeah, after that came the hip-thrust. LOLOLOLOL. When the members stood next to the MCs I finally got an idea of how tall they really were. They kinda towered over the others. LOL. I would love to see them stand side by side with HoMin. XD
And after that, The Boss performed.
I think that I'm also one of the few people who was actually anticipating DGNA's stage. LOL. Even though I'm not exactly a fan of them, I enjoy their songs, esp Shining World and Love Bingo. I was kinda hoping for a Love Bingo performance, but I guess I must've came to the wrong concert XD Anyway when they first came out I was shouting Karam's name. Why? Because he is Jae's doppelganger. *slapped* I'm sorry, but that kid reminds so much of JJ! XD Their first performance was Admiring Boy. I didn't know the title then, I only heard it through the MV which I associated with HUG MV. *slapped again* and then they sang Biteul Biteul which I sang along to~ and a member from DGNA performed a cool dance, but I dunno his name. -_-; After that they performed Shining World!!! KYAAAA~~~ The Boss cinched their stage cos they sang all the songs I like (except Love Bingo) :P and I didn't realize it before, but the members of DGNA are ...... kids. They're just small. Or maybe this was just the effect of seeing X-5. -___-
Well anyway, Teen Top came up next!
By Teen Top's stage I was getting tired and hoarse from all the screaming and flailing. I relaxed down a few notches so I can reserve my energy for U-KISS and BigBang XD I was kinda sorta anticipating Teen Top's stage because .... well.... my nee-chan loves them. They sung Supa Luv and Clap. Both of which I didn't really like. But then they sang Angel!!!!!! I SPAZZED~~ LOL. My energy came back XD I really like Angel~ I even sang along a little~~ All through the performance I tried to find out which one is CAP because the last time I saw him, he was the best looking out of the others :P but I dunno if I managed to figure out correctly which on his him because this guy's broccoli hair was distracting me ;~~; I later found out his name is Niel. And Teen Top's case was just like DGNA. They're kids..... :/ aiguu X-5's effect lasted long.
After that it was made in Asia... Miss A!
I didn't really like their performance, nor did I really pay attention to the songs they sang. I only recognized Breathe and Bad Girl Good Girl. LOL. But I screamed Min's name because she makes me laugh in Oh My School :3 and I also sang along a little to Bad Girl Good Girl ^^ they also sang 2 more songs but I only recognize Love Alone.
And then finally! The stage I've been waiting for!! U-KISS!!
The lights suddenly went out and we could hear Kevin's voice (at least I think it's Kevin's). He was saying something about going to perform 0330. Then the light came on again and the intro for 0330 played and I screamed. KISEOP'S AND SOOHYUN'S FINGER-TAPPING. I COULDN'T BELIEVE I WAS GOING TO WATCH 0330 LIVE. I WAS FLAILING AND SCREAMING EACH MEMBER'S NAME AS THEY SANG. "HOON! AJ! SOOHYUN!" yeah you get the idea XD when it came to Dongho's rap I was screaming "DONGHO DONGHOOOOO~~~~~~" I was loud. LOL. I'm embarrassed XD AND OMG KEVIN'S VOICE IS JUST SO PRETTY ASDFGHJKL I CAN'T BELIEVE I HEARD HIM SING LIVE ;~~~~; AND R2PI RAP I WAS JUST ACEHCQIUHEIU!FF!#OFU! XDXD AJ LOOKED AND SOUNDED SOOOOO DAMN GOOD. After that they sang Everyday which I sang along to~ though I wanted to hear Miracle live, Everyday is also daebak esp Eli and Dongho's rap! And they also sang Man Man Ha Ni and Bingeul Bingeul. I had a little teary moment when I listened to Hoon and AJ singing Xander's and Kibum's lines. It didn't sound right T____T but well, Hoon and AJ is also osm so it's ok! XD I was singing along to Man Man Ha Ni and Bingeul Bingeul, I even danced a little. And of course I screamed for the members, not forgetting to scream Kiseop's and Soohyun's names. Oh yeah, I also waved my U-KISS lightstick like crazy! XDXD DONGHO'S FIERCE FACE IN MMHN ASDFGHJKLQNM!!! And when they talked to the MCs, someway or another Eli was asked to take his clothes off ROFL. But he declined by saying "I'll do it backstage" in English. LOL smart reply Eli. XD
When U-KISS got off the stage and 2NE1 was next everyone stood up! And I mean everyone!! I didn't want to stand up at first but people were blocking my view of the stage, so instead of raging, I stood up too. XD I was screaming Bom's name all the way. I love her voice! But I also screamed for Minzy too! Hehehe. I didn't scream Dara's and CL's names because I didn't really know how to tell between the two, but I think I figured out which one CL was. They sang Fire, Lonely, I'm The Best, Can't Nobody, and I Don't Care. I was singing along to Lonely, I guess the whole studio sang along XD and I was all jaw-hanging when they sang I'm The Best. I didn't like it at first. My jaw dropped again when I saw Minzy's dancing at Can't Nobody. LOL I was screaming GO MINZYYYY~~~~ XDXD and then they sang I Don't Care which made me spazz. tbh IDC is my favorite 2NE1 song. :) I sang along and I also kinda danced along to I don't care e e e e~ XDXDXD but I failed. :(
I was incoherent as they flashed BigBang's member's pics on the screen. I was screaming JIYONG TAEYANG SEUNGRI TOP. And the MC had us screaming BIGBANG over and over again before finally, they suddenly came out from under the stage through an opening of some sorts and I S.C.R.E.A.M.E.D. IT WAS AN AWESOME ENTRANCE AND OH MY GOD I WAS SEEING G-DRAGON IN REAL LIFE *cue incoherent keysmash*. Big Bang sang Tonight! WITHOUT DAE. I HAD SEVERAL TEARY MOMENT ESP WHEN SEUNGRI SANG DAE'S LINES. -___- omg Seungri no! Your voice cannot compete with the trot king! *slapped*
After that they talked a little to the MCs, TOP and Taeyang had a cute moment where they were asked what their favorite Singaporean dish was and Taeyang asked what they recommended IN ENGLISH. I love hearing his English ;~; when the MC said Chili Crab and everyone was getting a little giggly because Chili Crab has become a continuing joke through the night. And then out of the blue Taeyang kinda said Chili Crab over and over in a sing-song voice and broke into a DANCE NUMBER. And then TOP joined him by rapping Chili Crab. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE. I was laughing and giggling. And then there was a part when Seungri was asked what he thought about Singapore and he said IN ENGLISH "Singapore is awesome!" cue audience cheer and then he said "Singapore is cool! and ......... AWESOME" I WAS LOL-ING. Seungri had a a momentary blank look on his face. I had known he would fail and be ..... well, Seungri. XD And there was also a part where they asked what Singaporean dish Seungri liked best and he answered "I like Singapore beer" and G-Dragon moved to grab the mic away from him to stop his silliness. LOL TOM&JERRY INTERACTIONS IN FRONT OF MY EYES. *spazz* and Jiyong also said a few lines in English before reverting back to Korean. GD WAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEE I WANT MORE OF YOUR SMOOTH VOICE SPEAKING ENGLISH.
After that, the lights went out and a few moments later STRONG BABY CAME ONE. I SPAZZED. OMG STRONG BABY. Seungri came out and he was all suave and sexy and clapclapclapasifdjqfhquef~ his sexy dance....... his sexy dance omg I can't believe I saw it live. I screamed "LEE SEUNGHYUN~~~" it was daebak. I sang along and even did the choreography for CLAP CLAP CLAP XDXDXD I was turned into an incoherent fangirl goo when he did the kissy sound x3 after Strong Baby, it was What Can I Do! I sang along and I could not take my eyes off this amazing person subhanallah. I sang along and jumped around a little~ XD
After Seungri it was Taeyang!! He sang Where U At and I'll Be There :( No I Need A Girl. So I was less excited because I didn't really like the two songs. He should have sung Superstar or Naman Barabwa. ;~; but songs aside, TAEYANG IS SO FRIGGIN' HANDSOME. SUBHANALLAH! That is all I can say. :") and in the middle of the performance, Taeyang actually took off his red jacket and threw it to the crowd. What. Was. He. Thinking. He wouldn't get his jacket back, that's for sure :P but anyway, without the jacket we could all see his body better so hmmm~~~~~ ;)
After Taeyang came the osm duo GD&TOP! They sang Oh Yeah feat Bom and I was squealing at the GDTOPBOM interactions! I find it cute :3 They also sang Knock Out which was daebak because I could see GD smoothly going up and down the stage in a strangely drunken manner. AND THEN IT WAS HIGH HIGH. I WAS JUMPING AND DANCING AND SINGING AND SCREAMING AND SPAZZING~~~ I was totally out of control LMAO. I danced along with GD&TOP for the HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH part~ and a little GTOP interaction was cute~ and have I said it was Kwon freakin' Jiyong? I of course screamed out his name. I was really thankful to God for the chance to see him (them too) live.
After the units & solo performances, they came up together again and sang Love Song. It was so epic beautiful. But without Dae.... it was imperfect. Seungri couldn't even hit the notes for Dae's part, or maybe he just forgot he was supposed to sing Dae's lines. I sang along to Ji's chants of I hate this love song. And I also danced a little in which I failed :P
Love Song was over and BigBang went backstage. I collapsed on the chair in sheer happiness. Some people screamed ENCORE! but I was like "what? Can they really do encore?" after a few minutes a voice suddenly came out and asked who do we want to see (I dunno if it were one of the MCs or Ji speaking). The whole stadium chanted "BIGBANG BIGBANG BIGBANG BIGBANG BIGBANG" I teared up a little. Idk why but hearing the chants of BIGBANG echo in the stadium moved me. After a minute or two of chanting BB's name, my mom nudged me and pointed to a depression on the extended stage's floor. They were going to come out from there! And she was right!
Hands Up was their encore song. I jumped up and down and up and down singing HEY~ HO~ HEY~ HO~! XD I raised my hands up of course, and I waved crazily and screamed their names as they danced and sang on the extended stage .... and also the main stage. I was feeling a little mellow knowing that this is the last stage of the night, but I didn't let it bother me because BIGBANG IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES~ (excuse this crazy fangirl). When the song was halfway through, the four of them stood on each side of the extended stage and started getting the crowd's tension higher. I was HIGH HIGH because LEE SEUNGHYUN WAS FACING MY SIDE. SEUNGRI. MY BIAS (Ji is also my bias though hahah). I jumped and jumped and waved at Seungri trying hard to get his attention AND I GOT IT. I FREAKING GOT IT. SEUNGRI HAD GRINNED AND WAVED BACK IN MY DIRECTION! I JUMPED AND WAVED AT HIM EVEN MORE ENERGETICALLY LOLOLOL. CAN YOU BELIEVE SEUNGRI WAS WAVING IN MY DIRECTION!!! I WAS TURNED INTO GOO. I COULDN'T EVEN SCREAM HIS NAME BECAUSE I WAS SPEECHLESS. Ya Allah :"""DDD
And really, that concludes the KMW experience. Going home was a bit of a blur because I was still too high. LOL. I was singing High High all the way to the hotel and my feet, arms, body felt like jelly~~~~~ I arrived at the hotel at about 11 PM HAHAHA. OMG~ I didn't take any pictures of videos because I was too busy flailing LOL. I think my mom snapped some pics but I dunno.
There's one thing that got on my nerve at the concert. Each time the MCs introduced the upcoming performers, some people kept shouting BIGBANG! or 2NE1! It annoys me. I was there solely for Big Bang, U-KISS, and FTI but screaming out fandom's name at each of the introduction is just ........ no. I felt kind of sorry for the other groups. And when it was U-KISS's turn and everyone knew it was them who was coming up later, someone behind me yelled BigBang's name. I kind of raged mentally. HELLO. U-KISS IS UP NEXT NOT BIGBANG. SOMEBODY ELSE WANTS TO SEE U-KISS TOO. T______T sorry whoever you are, but I was kinda annoyed as hell. It must've been my fangirl hormones acting up. :3
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